
Sunday, 3 July 2011

Female Muscle Pride

When I first saw a female bodybuilder, one of the things that struck me was the fact that she seemed so proud of her body, and obviously loved the attention it got her. And muscular women have every right to feel proud, given the dedication, discipline and hard work it takes to achieve their goals. And why shouldn't they show it off?
Who wouldn't?!

Here's a few choice quotes and some photos to illustrate them. But keep reading after the pics, because I'm getting on my soap box again.

The development of my body has made it more toned, and more curvaceous.
I think I'm more feminine now than before I had muscles.

From how I see things, women with great physical shape are at an advantage in the dating game. They weed off insecure, puny boys who aren't man enough to stand beside a strong woman without feeling inadequate, and attract men who are self-confident enough to accept the better package.

Most women at the gym wouldn't even dream of using the dumbells that I use. When I do shoulder presses at the gym, the newbies tend to look because they aren't used to seeing a woman with biceps and shoulders, and they really show during shoulder presses, it amuses me.

I love working out and watching my muscles develop. It gives me greater confidence and I feel sexier. Yes, I can lift more weight than some men but that should be a motivator for them, not a turn off.

I actually catch more criticism from other women than the men in the gym, probably because the majority of them go in all dolled-up and not breaking a sweat, and I hang out in the free weight room and am there to actually do something.

I've worked out with some pretty massive female bodybuilders and heard the snide remarks that were made about us lifting weights, yet those same guys would try to hit on us when their 'posse' was no longer present. Go figure.

So what about a Female Muscle Pride rally? No, really! Muscular women deserve to be celebrated in my opinion. Imagine, women from local gyms and fitness clubs parading through your city, showing off their muscles, flexing for the crowd. 'Celebrity' muscle babes could be invited to lead the parade or give posing or workout displays. After the parade, when the sun goes down, the clubs and bars are full of muscular women, and guys (and girls) wanting to meet them. There could be posing shows, feats of strength contests, even female muscle karaoke...

And all with the aim of spreading the good word of the female muscle gospel. Women, some brought along by muscle-loving boyfriends, others just curious to see what it's all about, might get inspired by the sight of a parade of hard, toned muscular bodies and subsequently hit the gym. This would not only make their boyfriends happier, it would also make the women themselves feel sexier. On top of that, as the parades became annual events, attitudes would change and prejudice against female muscle would gradually be eradicated.

As far as I can see, everybody wins! This may be the best idea I've ever had (though it is late and I'm a little high, so this may just read like the confused rantings of a madman).

Tell me, what do you think?

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