
Wednesday, 24 August 2011

Muscle in London: Cheering Myself Up

Is there anything more depressing for a female muscle fan than hearing a woman with muscles say she wishes she wasn't so muscular?

I was sitting in Paternoster Square (London) this afternoon, having a quiet smoke, and she and a friend had come and sat nearby. My ears perked up when she asked her friend to check out her calves, immediately wanting to check them out myself.

Maybe I'm over-sensitive, but the next thing she said crushed me: I hate my calves. By this time I was in a position to see them, but instead of the usual female-muscle-spotting rush, I had a feeling of helplessness. But they're gorgeous! I wanted to scream. Of course I didn't.

But I did decide to continue checking her out. And so what if she caught me doing it? If she did, I'd tell her what I thought about her calves, and that I was sure I wasn't the only guy who'd find them attractive. Probably. But that didn't happen either.

What happened was she told her friend she was going to have (now brace yourself...) calf-reduction surgery.

A pair of delicious muscular calves are going to disappear from the world, so let's remind ourselves that not all women with beautiful, strong, shapely legs hate them and are willing to pay for the privilege of turning them into twigs. So...

Whether you and her are out tonight, or are staying in...

Whether her thighs are rounded or ripped...

Tell the woman in your life with muscular legs how much you appreciate them and make the world a better place. For admirers of female muscle, anyway!

Quiz time!
(In your best Rolf Harris voice)
Can you guess who it is yet?
I think her legs are seriously under-rated
(Maybe because there are some other parts of her body that may distract you from giving her legs the attention they deserve!)
Denise Masino
(Not a very difficult question, I know)

I feel a bit better now for that fix of strong shapely legs. Hope it's cheered you up too.

But I wish I'd spoken up and told the girl what I thought. I hope you have the balls not to make that mistake. You might just stop a pair of hard, sexy muscular calves from disappearing from the world.

Calf-reduction surgery?! The devil's work.

1 comment:

  1. Haha yes calf-reduction surgery is surely done by the devil's hand ;)

    Very interesting story - it would have been interesting to see her reaction to you if you had complimented her. I can only hope I get a similar opportunity.

    This goes back to self-image of modern women. There are lots of women with naturally muscular calves but perhaps they avoid developing them for fear of becoming "too muscular". But then why are high-heels so popular and sexy? Because they emphasize the calves! I'm sure more guys find huge, muscular calves attractive than will admit it.

    You could almost think of it in terms of natural selection - females with larger calves would have stronger legs to support unborn children or carry their infants with them to escape danger. Muscle indicates fitness in the purest form, in both sexes.
