
Saturday, 3 September 2011

To Tell Or Not To Tell?

I've recently been noticing how many threads there are on various female muscle forums about whether it's better to hide or to tell people about your passion for muscular women, so I thought I would share my experience of this issue here.

Having kept my female muscle obsession secret for the best part of 20 years, I got the urge to start telling people about 3 or 4 years ago. The internet, specifically the female muscle forums, definitely helped to push me in that direction. Knowing that there are not just a few, but thousands of other people (well, mostly men!) out there who have arrived at the same forum for pretty much the same reasons, many of them sharing their stories, experiences, preferences and passion for female muscle was an incredibly empowering moment for me.

And I did start telling people. Strictly on a one-on-one basis, never unless it had come up in the conversation, and only to people I had known for a very long time. They also had to be people I would tell almost anything else to. And don't get me wrong, I've never gone into all the details, just expressed a preference, and, if asked, elaborated along the lines of I've found female muscle attractive since I was young and that pics and videos of muscle women are like my porn.

My brother was first. When I told him the truth he laughed. But not at me, at himself. He'd found my stash of magazines when we were young, so I'd always thought he kind of knew anyway. In fact, he'd assumed I was gay! Although finding copies of Women's Physique World and Female Bodybuilding among the other bodybuilding magazines had, he said, seemed strange.

He had no problem with it at all. He too has a fetish, for fat girls with huge tits. We decided we were both totally normal in our abnormalities!

Since then - and this is one of the things that is GREAT about sharing it with someone - we have been able to point out women to each other that we think the other will like. And he has sometimes given me a knowing wink when we're watching athletics or tennis for example, and there's some female muscle on display. I wouldn't say our relationship has been noticeably better because of it, but it certainly didn't make it worse.

Once I'd told him, I told another four people, all very close and long-standing friends. This has been over a period of about 2 years. Not one gave me a negative reaction, nor have our relationships been affected. One, for example, said it explained a lot about why I split up most relationships early unless the girl has some kind of athletic/dance/gymnastic background. It answered a question he'd always wanted to ask me. He also got curious enough to check out some muscle women on YouTube. He could see the attraction to fitness women, even the NABBA Physique-types, but he couldn't get why I liked Gina Davis! He sometimes sends me links to (what he considers) freakily muscular women with a slightly sarcastic comment attached, but he sends lots of different links to me with sarcastic comments anyway!

And none of the people who know have ever 'outed' me to others. I did go through a period of paranoia when I thought one of my friends would announce my preference at a party or something. But it's never happened, and I don't believe it ever will.

I did, however, draw the line at those five. And apart from that, the only other people I've ever told have been women with muscle that I've been lucky enough to have been with. And even then I've always told them I like their muscles, I've never told them the extent of my fantasies. Maybe I should have, in the interests of the relationships. In fact, maybe I should just tell anyone who asks. But that's a step I'm not quite ready for yet!

I guess what I'm saying is, that in my experience, 'coming out' has been, for me, not only a lot less horrible than I'd always imagined, but it actually turned out to be a rewarding experience. As long as you're talking to open-minded people who you would trust with almost any other secret you have, there's no reason why it won't be the same for you.

I'd love to here from you about your experiences of this, so please feel free to comment or email me directly at

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