
Thursday, 27 October 2011

More Column Inches

Yet more mainstream column inches for female muscle in the UK national media.
And once again we have Jodie Marsh to thank for the story.

This time it's not all Jodie though, but a 38 year-old Angela McNamara, who, unlike Jodie (to date), is a champion. It figures that the story would be, not exactly anti-Jodie, but more a don't-get-too-carried-away-with-Jodie story, because the paper which has been running the Jodie stories is The Sun, and this story appears in The Daily Mirror, which has always been the ying to The Sun's yang.

Read the story My Body's Better Than Hers And I'm A Gran here.

And it's worth reading the comments at the bottom too. Along with the usual abuse, there are some spirited defenders of female muscle among Mirror readers it seems. Inspiring stuff. Is the tide really changing? I suspect not, it'll all probably go back to normal now that Jodie's finished her publicity drive.

But I for one am going to enjoy this while it lasts!

1 comment:

  1. Amen! Thanks for this story, I read every word. It's inspiring to read about females lifting weights but it's scary how hard that woman works to keep herself fit. And it was interesting to read about her reaction to Jodie - but still, perhaps Jodie's flirt with muscle-building will have real repercussions in mainstream media and public awareness. Again, thanks for the share.
