
Sunday, 20 November 2011

THE definition of a female bodybuilder

Dictionary definitions tend to be on the dry side. And for good reason, as dictionaries need to communicate concisely, yet effectively, what a word or phrase means.

Take this definition of 'bodybuilder' from the OED online:
a person who strengthens and enlarges the muscles of their body through strenuous exercise

OK, it's concise, effective and correct. But it's dull. But that's OK (even though there's no entry for 'female bodybuilder') because you wouldn't read a dictionary, it's a reference book.

In contrast to traditional dictionaries though, other online ones that anybody can add definitions to throw up some entries that are worth reading just for the sheer pleasure of it. And occasionally, the definitions border on genius.

And this definition of 'female bodybuilder' from the Urban Dictionary is one of those, and provides a definition I think we can all get behind!

The link's at the bottom, but I'm going to reproduce it in full here (with a few choice photos for illustration). I can't imagine a better definition. See what you think...

Easily the sexiest, most erotic kind of female in the universe. A female bodybuilder is a superior kind of woman.

She is in touch with her femininity, and she realizes that her inner being is power, not weakness. Because she is so in touch with her inner power, she develops her muscles to an astonishing degree, able to lift incredible masses of weights that most men are unable to touch. She does this in order to break from the cage that society puts women in, to show that she is a powerful individual who no one can restrain.

Many men are unable to admit their attraction to these powerful women, for societal stereotypes indicate that women are supposed to be thin, whiny, and submissive. Female bodybuilders threaten that stereotype to such a degree that most men are threatened by them. Similarly, men are threatened by the fact that these women are far more muscular and far stronger than them, for it makes them feel that they are not living up the their stereotyped gender role of being the 'dominant provider'.

Yet nearly all men, at a deep unconscious level, are very attracted to these powerful women, and only the real men are able to admit it to themselves.

Female bodybuilders are more often than not extremely kind, energetic, and resourceful. They spend their time wisely, fit more into a day than most people, and truly grab life by the horns.

They are a threat to many, yet they are sexy beyond belief and are known to be better than any other kind of woman in bed.

Now, I would like to add that it wasn't me who wrote this, but I wish I had. I would love to find out who did write it and shake them by the hand, even if only in a virtual way.

Is this your fine work? I think you should make yourself known. (Comment or email direct to You are a legend!

And I think we should all make it our business to make this definition the online definition of 'female bodybuilder'. Next time I come across an open online dictionary I'm sending this definition in.

Imagine a world where all dictionaries define 'female bodybuilder' in this way. Wouldn't that be sweet?

The definition in its original location is here

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