
Monday, 20 February 2012

Tummy Love

Hard sexy midriffs for your viewing pleasure along with some real news from my own life and apologies for the lack of posting recently...

She works so hard to get it. Is it any wonder she wants to show it off?

Now, there are plenty of examples out there in webland of guys dreaming of their girlfriend working out more, building muscle, achieving a sexy six-pack. Just one example: I love my girlfriend, and she’s absolutely gorgeous, but she’s got a little bit of extra fat around the middle and on her thighs. It’s not a lot. She isn’t hanging out over her jeans or anything. But she doesn’t have really tight abs, and I have this weird fetish I guess for tummies. Should I just let it go, or should I tell her I’d like her to work on her abs? Does this make me a bad person? She’s off to uni now where she’ll be cooking her own food, and she eats mostly vegetarian stuff than the crap her parents make her at home, so that’ll probably help her shed a bit of it, but I really, really would like her to have a tight tummy. I know it’s cuz I watch too many movies and things where the hot girls all have tight abs, but I can’t help it. I just like it. I feel guilty for wanting her to change her appearance, even if only slightly.

My current partner makes me a very happy man. Not only is she beautiful, intelligent, kind and funny (well, at least I think she is!) but she has also been working out regularly now for over six months. This has come about not because I told her too, but it is, at least partly, because I got off my arse and got myself to the gym. A bit of background: I started lifting weights and eating right about three years ago, which was around the time I first met her. As I lost fat and gained muscle, she became more and more curious about exactly what I was doing to achieve these changes.

Fortunately, I resisted the urge to overdo it and push her into the gym and into the kind of fitness regime that would help her create the kind of body I had always dreamed of, rather than letting her find her own way and set her own goals. Instead, I answered her questions about how I'd changed my diet or just what was in the 'magic' drink I always glugged when I got back from my workouts, and before long, she had joined a fitness club and was going four times a week. Since her body started to change, it has not been hard to be generous with the compliments. She isn't gaining muscle, she's not going to turn into a bodybuilder, but she is more toned and firm all over, and I'm sure if I keep up the workouts, so will she.

Maybe good things do come to those who wait. If this had been happening with another girl at another time in my life, I probably wouldn't have played it so cool, been too pushy and made a mess of it. More than the changes in her body, the boost to her self-confidence that being able to wear what she wore at 18 again (she's now 30) has helped her in every aspect of her professional and personal life. Really.

So my advice to anyone wanting their partner to get to the gym is this: go to the gym yourself. Keep at it, don't expect it to be easy, and don't expect to see much progress unless you adopt a suitable diet. And then, if your partner starts liking what she sees, don't be pushy. It's unlikely that she'll want to become Heather Policky! Let her find her own way. The pay off won't just be a physical change.

And no, none of these women is my partner.


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