
Sunday, 3 June 2012

Hot and Hard

We've been gorging ourselves on the prime beef for a while here at Female Muscle Slave, so it's probably time we had a little of what a friend of mine calls the 'lean meats'.

We've been enjoying some good weather here in the UK recently, and I was looking forward to a bit of female muscle spotting now the ladies are shedding the layers. Layers have certainly been shed, but why oh why do women who haven't walked past a gym in years, let alone gone into one, reveal so much of their flabby bodies? How disappointed I've been! So even if the ladies below are not as muscular as the women we've been praising lately, they would be a very welcome sight in my neighbourhood. And they might even inspire some of the more overweight ladies to tone up. But probably not.

Anyway, a selection of favourites from the many pictures I have turned to for comfort after the disappointment of reality in recent weeks.
A body that wouldn't look out of place in the Olympic stadium. I've no idea who she is actually, maybe she will be in the Olympic stadium in a few weeks' time! I love the way her shorts are just lower than her hip, revealing that all-important cut between her torso and the top of her leg. It's one of the things that sets women who train apart from the norm and sets the heart racing. I'm looking forward to all sorts of cheap thrills like this while watching the Olympics. Aren't you?
Ever been to Community College, or what we in the UK call Adult Education? I have, but never with a classmate like this. Mind you, having a muscular female in the same classroom is probably not conducive to getting your money's worth out of the course. All lesson, every lesson, you sit their suffering 'the madness', catching surreptitious glances at the veins running up her arms, praying she'll wear smaller and smaller tops and shorter and shorter skirts, planning how to take a sly snap of her on your phone during the break. Did you take this?

Gratuitous Beavers
Three views of the amazingly sexy Sheila. Well, hello kitty...

 Female Muscle Slave's Book Club
Kendra Lumm lifted her uncle's old dumbbells for the first time when she was nine years old.
By ten, she had her own set of weights on the back porch - and pretty decent biceps. She was out there most afternoons, even the hottest ones when the aggressive Arizona sun beat her silly and tanned her skin until it matched the dark brown of her sweat-stained lifting belt. Inside, when she'd wathced television, she'd do curls. During commercials, she'd do crunches. By the time she hit junior high, she was worked, thick with muscle and intimidating to some of her teachers. Her abdominals were like six caramel apples, and her shoulders were as wide as an Olympic swimmer's. At home, she walked around in her sports bra, on display, pausing to flex in mirrors and snack on protein.
From (in fact the beginning of) Mark Poirier's Modern Ranch Living, available here. And don't worry - Kendra grows up so you don't have to feel like a perve as you sit there reading about her with a little chubby on. And it's a very well-written and often very funny book, and Kendra is so much more than just a muscle girl.
Highly recommended.
Hot, hard, and showing it off (from top left) in the park, at the beach, in the gym (GREAT tan!) and... well, against a white background. Whatever the location, whatever the weather, us long suffering female muscle slaves seem to constantly complain of the female muscle desert that is our lives. Unless, that is, we live in one of those 'hotspots' like Venice Beach or Miami Beach where, if posters on forums are to be believed, women like this can be spotted on a regular basis. Perhaps we should all just move. Anyone up for a house share?
There seems to be so many self-portraits of muscle girls on their phones that once again I can only ask Where are they when I go out? So many, in fact, that it was hard to pick just a couple, but in the end I plumped for these two hotties. Great abs, and very very nice definition on the pair of them. On the left, it was probably that hip cut that did it, and on the right, I'm not sure I quite get the message on the T-shirt, but I reckon I wouldn't mind having her explain it to me. And she also has a nice hip cut.

 Female Muscle Slave's quote of the day
I've been weight training for a year and when my husband felt my flexed muscles for the first time, he started shaking and actually turned pale! I have bigger, stronger,and harder muscles then he does and it only took one year!!! His smaller muscles are squashy or mushy compared to mine. I thought he was going to pass out when I started to flex for him.
Credited to someone called 'Suzy', and there are similar comments from women enjoying superiority over their men here
A reminder to get yourself booked for the 2014 World Cup. In Brazil.

And finally...
Tanned skin and muscle in a bikini doing chin-ups. It doesn't get much hotter or harder than this. One of my favourite pictures of the year so far.

Enjoy! And may your female muscle desert contain many an oasis this summer.

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