
Friday, 2 November 2012

Beauty of the Day

Beauty shouldn’t be about changing yourself to be more socially acceptable. Real beauty, the interesting, truly pleasing kind, is about knowing that someone else’s definition of pretty has no hold over you.
Golda Poretsk
Alina Popa


  1. This is an interesting quote FMS. It's closely related to something I'm working on atm (in my personal life, nothing to do with FBB) So in other words, confidence, a (healthy)love of self, individuality and an acceptance of self (warts an all)that don't bound us to the façade of trying to live up to a general ideal or trend. That's what being human should be about. Has the modern world had an adverse effect on this? I think so yeah. And so yes, this of course also related to one reason why I find muscular women hot. Some really good and interesting posts this week. I always enjoy reading and looking up good quotes.

    1. When I came across the quote I almost had to pinch myself, it summed it all up so succinctly, capturing what is so attractive about women like Alina and at the same time, as you say, giving everyone something to live by. Really happy someone else picked up on that!

      Always a pleasure to hear from you.

  2. Thanks, good to have a fellow female muscle blogger for that extra bit of motivation with posting. I do love sharing my female muscle passion with those that share similar tastes in women, but sometimes I just need that extra bit of inspiration to get sharing, and you give me that. Thanks.

  3. Hello Gentleman... indeed this definition is fine.
    And true when it comes to "special" kind of beauty interests like ours.
