
Sunday, 20 January 2013

Hot Hot Heat of the Day

Jamie Pinder

Jamie transformed herself from, in her own words, a bad bikini competitor to a pro in the Physique division in just one year. The results speak for themselves. A word of warning, though. Don't spend too long drooling over her magnificent bod. I've already had two screens melt on me as a result of the hotness she emits. You could cook an egg on those big juicy biceps of hers. And cook it quickly at that.

If you want pics of Jamie winning her pro card at the  2012 NPC Nationals (and I think you do) they can be found at or, among others. You might also like to see her amazing transformation pictures for yourself on Sioux Country - it's a treat.

1 comment:

  1. fucking glorious, great find, just enough mass to be acceptable. like a pumped up fitness competitor
