
Friday, 25 January 2013

Hot Hot Heat of the Day

Hottest for Last: Lisa Cross

On her blog, Lisa recently confided that while doing a Muscle Angels shoot in nothing but an itsy bitsy bikini, the Las Vegas heat became a bit too much for her and it did not stay on long. And why should it have? A wonder of the female muscle world, Lisa's body was made to be displayed, and how she loves to display it.

In this little photo set I imagine we are supposed to believe that Lisa just couldn't bear to keep her mighty pumped up muscles covered up, particularly in a room with so many mirrors. This time it wasn't the Las Vegas heat, but the heat from Lisa's own being that forced her to take off what little she was wearing in the first place.

And if that's what Lisa wants me to imagine, I am only too happy to oblige.


  1. great blog! Finally some MASS on here :-D
    Lisa is sexy, but I'd rather go out with Rene if it comes to british beef :-)

  2. Great post, haven't seen her look this good before, so lean whilst not losing any size. She's definitely growing, a bit more size and detail in her back and I think she'll be Olympia bound in a few short years.
