
Thursday, 4 April 2013

Sarah And Me: Her Biceps 2007

2007 was something of an annus mirabilis for Sarah, as she reached her peak as a pro bodybuilder with her first and only contest win, and, in a series of photo sets for, made me (and I'm sure I'm not the only one) a very happy man!

I've chosen some of my favourites from those sets for this penultimate post of Sarah and Me Week. They show Sarah at her most beautiful and most muscular. As ever, the camera loves her. She never looked better.

As with other women who moved from the asymmetric bars to the barbells (Natalia Murnikoviene and Gillian Kovack come to mind straight away), Sarah never had 'weak' legs, and used her gymnastics to enliven in her routines. It'll take a better man than me to put into words exactly what that 'something' is, but there's definitely something about ex-gymnasts who turn to bodybuilding, isn't there?

One of the photo sets (and as I recall, some accompanying clips) show Sarah with 'Samantha', a non-bodybuilder who nevertheless seems to have some fitness credentials. I loved (and still love) the juxtaposition of the two women. It's almost like looking at two different species. And Sarah is without doubt the superior of the two!


Sarah and Me Week finishes tomorrow with Sarah at the 2007 Jan Tana.


  1. Thank you so much for Sarah. I do agree that I couldn't get my eyes of her during her prime. In fact, I can't stop spending orgasmic moments with her to be exact..

  2. Hey Slave.. why do you torture us so much with the wonderful massive "old" Sarah? It breaks my heart to imagine what has happend with her anaconda arms and tree trunk legs today...

  3. OMG The last picture is awesome!!!

  4. well, the last pic turns me on least... a bit more cardio would do that bb booty good....
