
Saturday, 1 June 2013

Crossfit (and our first Guest Editor)

What's not to like about the women of Crossfit?

Athletic, strong and barely-clothed, they work up a sweat while pushing their beautiful bodies to the limit. Yeah!

I'm the first to admit that I've arrived a little late at the Crossfit party, but thanks to the coverage of the 2013 season on Eurosport, as well as the Crossfit youtube channel, I'm catching up nicely.

However, I'm no expert. So the thought occurred to me to have a Guest Editor for the week. Someone whose knowledge of the sport and the women could do justice to a week of posts on the subject.

Fortunately, one of our regular readers fitted this description perfectly.

Step forward Aiden. FMS' first ever Guest Editor, who'll be introducing you to some of his favourite Crossfitters from tomorrow until Friday.

Many many thanks to Aiden for taking the time to put together the material for the posts.

Would you like to be FMS' next Guest Editor? Is there a particular muscle, a particular theme, or a particular woman that you would like to see celebrated on the blog? In fact, is there any aspect of female muscle fandom that you feel we are missing here? Email to get the ball rolling.

Look forward to hearing from you, and now it's over to Aiden...

1 comment:

  1. Somehow, Crossfit makes more sense than pure Bodybuilding: Super-Stamina; Super-Strength, Hyperfit bodys.
    On the other Hand, I still prefer FBBs as the true "Supermodels" of Humanity...
