
Saturday, 22 June 2013

Domestic (Muscle) Goddess of the Day

Consider this…

… because if it’s true (and everyone seems to say it is) then I’ve been getting it all wrong by posting pictures of pumped-up, sweaty muscle babes doing their thing in the gym but completely ignoring their work in their own kitchens pushing chicken breasts around with their spatulas.

So, this week on FMS, a light-hearted antidote to last week’s relentless soap box, and an attempt by the editor to redress the balance of gym/kitchen images on the blog.

And we begin with the very lovely Ana Delia De Iturrondo. And her fridge.

Ana won a fitness model search last year and is now working towards her pro card in the bikini division. And before you start scoffing (I mean with contempt at the fact we’re featuring a bikini competitor, not scoffing as in eating), consider what we’ve already learned about the gym v. kitchen ratio and then consider what Ana eats on a daily basis.

Normally I drink a gallon of water and eat 6 decently portioned meals a day (no starving crazy diets). I eat lots of lean protein (fish, flank steak, chicken, turkey), complex carbs (brown rice, old-fashioned oats, sweet potatoes, wholegrain wheat bread/pasta), lots of veggies (Romaine lettuce, carrots, green beans, asparagus, zucchini), fresh fruit (limited for its sugar content) and healthy fats (flax seed, olive oil).

Could you come up with six meals a day from that list, making sure of course that your menu is varied and interesting enough to stop you going insane with cravings? That's what these domestic muscle goddesses do. In any division.

And Ana eats that with no cheat foods at all. Nada.

I just don't buy them. ‘You won't eat what you don't have’! I prepare my meals in advance and carry them with me at all times, that way there’s no excuse for reaching out for the ‘bad stuff’. I drink lots of water during the day which helps calm the ‘cookie monster’ in my stomach, plus it doesn't add any extra calories. I do have one cheat meal (NOT a cheat day) on weekends and then it's right back on to my meal plan. A healthy treat I like and it calms my cravings for sweets is a bit of mashed sweet potato with cinnamon, olive oil and whey protein powder. I blend it all together and put in the fridge and it’s like a pudding to me... yummy!

Now, dear reader, I want you to know that there are literally no lengths we at FMS are prepared to go to for you. So we tried Ana’s treat. Now, I like sweet potatoes, cinnamon, olive oil AND whey protein shakes, but was, quite frankly, suspicious of what they would all taste like together from the fridge.

Well, pleasingly, I can report it's not bad at all. I think the cinnamon is the real star. Everything tastes better with cinnamon in it. But it's Ana's recipe, Ana's trick. There you are. Domestic goddess!

Ana reminds us, Nutrition is key... You HAVE to EAT and eat LEAN; you can’t run a Lamborghini on an empty tank!

The point is, the discipline it takes to follow the kind of diet necessary in any type of bodybuilding or fitness endeavour is just as difficult, if not more difficult, than the work it takes in the gym. In order to run their own personal Lamborghinis, muscle women have arguably created their own cuisine. And looked sexy as hell in their pinnies while doing so.

Welcome to their week!

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