
Friday, 12 July 2013

Legs in Leggings: Sophie Arvebrink

Swell has officially got it bad. Sexy Sophie Arvebrink has rapidly moved on from being my flavour of the month to my latest obsession. It's so bad that when I type out her name and press return, the word 'sexy' magically pops up before it like some kind of predictive text demon. So given that Sophie LOVES self-snapping in the gym, and LOVES wearing the kind of leggings that this week is all about, well, I just had to devote one of the days as my latest tribute to her.

As you can see, if you haven't had time to grab a paper and have a read before hitting your local gym (local if you are local to Sophie, that is - lucky devil!) you can always catch up on the news AND get an eyeful of her ever-improving legs and butt while doing so. Now if that isn't a slice of fried gold, I don't know what is.

And the more I look at this photo, the less my apparent obsession with Ms Arvebrink seems to be a problem I need to deal with and more like the best possible way to spend my life. Do you see it too? Am I imagining things here? Can I really see what I think I see? Do I need a psychiatrist, an optician, or perhaps I just need a one-way ticket to wherever Sophie is wearing these next? Help!

She seems to be on a personal mission not only to find the tightest, most revealing leggings ever, but also to sculpt the cutest, tightest most delicious-looking rear on Earth. A fine ambition indeed, although what is going to happen to my blood pressure if it gets any cuter or tighter is causing me further anxiety.

Like I said before, gold.

And if you can stand any more, here's Sophie squatting. 100 kilos, 20 reps. In tight tight leggings. From behind. Watch if you dare. Swell is going for a little lie down and some therapy. Possibly not in that order.

Superior indeed.


  1. Eh, unfortunately that video is quite the letdown. She probably went for something easy because of the camera, but she's squatting all wrong. She needs to go much deeper, thighs must be AT LEAST parallel with the floor. The deeper the squat the more effective the exercise, and she definitely knows that.

    1. That may be true, but I still like looking at her bum!
