
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Legs Month

In the last week or so, there’s been quite a bit of femuscle-related action worthy of comment: there’s been the publication of an interview with legendary musician Brian Eno in which he reveals his love of female bodybuilders (mentioning Carla Dunlap by name); the super-Britain Samantha Briggs has won the 2013 World Crossfit Games - and surprisingly receiving some acknowledgement from the UK media for it; and there’s been Shannon Courtney, the heart-meltingly gorgeous Shannon Courtney, earning her pro card at the NPC USA Championships.
These and more.

Unfortunately, I simply don’t have time to write about them now. Eno, Briggs, Courtney et al will have to wait until September! This month is personally going to be quite busy for me. It’s the most hectic month for work, my sister is due to give birth to her first child in a week or so, I have friends from abroad coming to visit, and me and my wife are going for a little holiday at the end of the month. It’s simply not going to be possible for me to pay as much attention to the blog as I usually do.

But I don’t want to leave you FMS-less (!), and I’m not going to.

I’ve been bringing you daily posts connected by a common weekly theme for the best part of a year now. I absolutely love putting the posts together, and the fact that many of you actually bother to get in touch and tell me how much you have enjoyed a particular post, theme or the blog in general makes it all the more worthwhile. There have been times when I struggle to come up with ideas for weekly themes, so readers’ suggestions (requests, or sometimes just straight out demands!) have also proved invaluable, and I’m very grateful. One of the most common suggestions from readers has been for a week of posts in tribute to muscular female legs in one form or another.

Thank you all, you know who you are.

So, due to the joys of scheduled posting, I’ve managed to prepare not just a week, but a month of posts connected by this most-requested theme.

This August on FMS, it’s Leg MONTH!

And we kick off (get it?) today with just a small selection of beautiful, strong and shapely examples of what’s coming your way from now until the end of August.


[I may not be able to respond to your comments and emails as quickly or as fully as I’d like to this month, but I’ll do my best, so please stay in touch if you’re a regular, or please get in touch if you have any comments, suggestions or you just want to connect with a fellow female muscle fan. I’ll answer as soon as I can.]