
Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Prof. Pennypacker's Pectarium

from Pennypacker's diary 6th January 2012
Made my first gif today from a favourite clip with Christine Envall and learned a new word: 'forverse'. The alpha female is admired by a lesser woman, who runs her hands over Christine's shoulders and chest. Back and forth, back and forth. I'm as proud of this as I am any of my achievements as a mathematician and teacher, not because it was difficult, it's just rather satisfying to watch. A small contribution to the world of female muscle worship. I have posted it to one of the fan forums.

Some of you may recognise the professor's username 'Profetik' from one or more of the forums. His gif of Christine being touched up was the first of many he would make and post, gifs that would eventually make their way into The Pectarium.

Pennypacker on power
Envall and women like her, women who make little or no concession to the roles or norms associated with their sex, or, more accurately, seem to deliberately defy and transgress as far as possible from them, possess immense power. Of course this power is partly physical - they are extremely strong, but it is also mental - they are determined, bloody-minded almost, in their pursuit of such singular goals - and in addition to that, it is sexual. Yes, there are many men who would find them abhorrent (or at least profess to doing so), but at the same time there are also many men to whom she is the 'perfect' woman; a sexual fantasy come to life ...

... I wonder how I would react in the presence of such power. I was never what you might call 'good' with the ladies, never got to have much practice, but I doubt any man is prepared for his first encounter with such an abundantly powerful woman.

from Pennypacker's diary 6th January 2012
I dreamt of female bodybuilders last night. A commune of them I stumbled upon during my morning walk. I was utterly tongue-tied yet they knew what I was thinking and replied to my thoughts. Many of them were recognisable - Colette Nelson, Gina Davis, Denise Hoshor and Gayle Moher among them. I woke with the kind of morning glory I have not experienced since I was very very much younger. Is this new passion of mine enhancing my virility? I certainly hope so!

Many of the professor's diary entries from the last year of his life detail his rediscovered libido, his reinvigorated loins, and reinterest in masturbation. Many of these entries were used as evidence of his 'mental regression' by the contestants during the will hearing, but no firm scientific evidence was provided by the contestants' lawyers that vigorous and frequent masturbation reveals mental failings.

from Pennypacker's diary 18th March 2012
I am absolutely convinced that my passion is extending both my sexual life and my vocabulary. Two or three years ago I might have thought cable flyes was some kind of adventure sport. Now I know them when I see them. And I know I like them!

from Pennypacker's diary 20th March 2012
Came across a blog whose American author posts clips of himself masturbating over images of his favourite female beefcakes. I immediately went out and bought the first decent camera I could find and spent the rest of the afternoon trying to make my own version of such a clip. Nothing I'm totally happy with yet - though I am happy that I can masturbate like a teenager again. When I do make a satisfactory clip I am determined to send it to him. Maybe my 'tribute' will end up on his blog.

Throughout the remainder of the spring of 2012, as the old barn on his property was renovated and made ready to house The Pectarium, the professor's idea of what he was creating shifted quite significantly from a place to house an archive to a place in which he could indulge in the pleasures these extracts show he was already enjoying.

Enjoy yourself!

Today's gifs by Pennypacker and Muscular Girls in Motion.

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