
Monday, 10 February 2014

Happy Saint Valentina's Day

Regular readers may remember that exactly twelve months ago, FMS discovered that today, February 10th, is the feast day of Saint Valentina. The name 'Valentina', we were delighted to learn, means 'strong, vigorous and healthy', and we celebrated then by 'canonising' the first saint of the Order of the Female Muscle Lovin' Brethren, our own St Valentina of Kharkiv, Valentina Chepiga, and declaring 10th February the day when we celebrate strong, vigorous and healthy women everywhere.

And this year, as part of our celebration, the canonisation of another Saint Valentina! Again, this Valentina is from the Ukraine (coincidentally a country that could do with a miracle right now), and, like her Ms Olympia-winning compatriot, has been a champion in international female bodybuilding competition. However, unlike Valentina Chepiga, our latest Saint Valentina is an amateur, and still active.


Now, I'm no expert on how saints become saints in the Catholic (or indeed any other) church, but I'm pretty sure it's quite a long drawn-out process. Not so in this 'church'. In the Order of the Female Muscle Lovin' Brethren, it takes little more (well, absolutely nothing more it seems) than a kind word from another female muscle deity and bingo, you're canonised!

Such a lovely lady we have met up a few times now and it is always a pleasure.
Lisa Cross, October 2013

Unfortunately, though, whereas the life of Saint Valentina of Kharkiv, Valentina Chepiga, has been well-documented, the life of her namesake from the Ukraine remains, despite FMS' research team's best efforts, somewhat shrouded in mystery.

However, everything we do know about Saint Valentina the Amateur comes from the most venerable source we have, Muscle Memory, where worshippers can view her contest history, or at least her international contest history, at their leisure.

top, left to right: 2006 NABBA Worlds, Winner; 2007 NABBA Universe, 4th; 2007 IBFA Worlds, Winner
bottom, left to right: 2008 and 2009 NABBA Universe, both 3rd; 2010 NABBA Universe, Winner

2013 marked her comeback to international competition at the IFBB Worlds and the Arnold Europe, but she finished outside the top six at both. However, as 2010 was the last time the 'Miss Physique' title was contested at the NABBA Universe, she could rightly claim to still be the reigning champ!

Valentina's routine at the 2010 NABBA Universe

As we pointed out last year, there's no dogma in the Order of the Female Muscle Lovin' Brethren. Pay tribute to Saint Valentina of Kharkiv, to Saint Valentina the Amateur, or to any one or more of your favourite strong, vigorous and healthy women.

Pay tribute as you see fit. But pay tribute today.

We bid you Happy Saint Valentina's Day, and leave you with a little inspiration in the form of Saint Valentina the Amateur's most recent work.

Valentina in 2013 by


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