
Friday, 14 March 2014

The FMS Hot and Hard 100 2013

First of all, many thanks to those of you who took the time and trouble to consider the question "Who are the hottest hard women in the word today?" then went even further and made your list, and emailed it in. It was great to hear from all of you, but a special thanks should go to those who were getting in touch for the first time.

Alina Popa won by a landslide. 38 out of the 46 voters (that's a whopping 83% of you) had Alina somewhere on their list, often at or near the very top of it. Shannon Courtney, a clear 2nd with 25 votes (54%), is still miles behind Alina.

13 different countries have two or more women in the list, but two of them dominate. The USA has by far the most, with 45. Brazil is next, with 14 - the only other country with more than 10. However, when it comes to the top 20, Brazil wins! 25% (ie. 5) of the women in the top 20 are from Brazil, one more than the 4 from the USA.

The only women from outside the bodybuilding/physique/figure/fitness realm who feature in the top 100 are Christmas Abbott (48th , 9 votes) and Camille LeBlanc Bazinet (55th, 8 votes), both of them Crossfitters. The only other Crossfitter who received more than two votes was new Swell crush Danielle Sidell (see Swell Digs, February). Danielle received three votes and finished just out of the top 100.

Also from the Crossfit world, Britain's Fittest on Earth Samantha Briggs, Miranda Oldroyd and Michelle Letendre all received two votes. Heptathlete Jessica Ennis (with 3 votes), and Serena Williams and sprinter turned Winter Olympian Lolo Jones (two each), were the only other sportswomen with more than one vote.

The complete list, with the number of votes each of the 100 magnificent hot and hard women received, can be downloaded and perused at your leisure here.

It's your list, a list that I intended to be an alternative to the skin-and-bone celeb-fest that is the FHM 100 Sexiest Women in the World. I think it achieves that aim.

Or does it?

As I sat congratulating myself on a job well done, I received an email from one of you lovely readers, congratulating me on a job well done. He added, I would love in a near future to be able to go to the newsagents and come across a beautiful edition of the FMS Hot and Hard 100, just like FHM.

At first, I smiled at the thought. But then I really thought about it. It'd be great, but it'll never happen, I said to myself. And, of course, it won't. But if it's going to be a real alternative to the FHM list, we need lots of people to be aware of it, not just FMS readers, and not just other female muscle lovin' brethren either.

I started to brainstorm. What about a pdf version for easy posting on other blogs and forums? It'd be easy to download and view. Or a slideshow? I could even edit some clips of the top 10 or 20 maybe and put it on YouTube, I thought. I want the list to reach as broad an audience as possible. It's such a great list, it deserves to be seen.

However, counting up the votes, compiling the top 100, sourcing the pictures, thinking of some text for (nearly) every woman... Putting it all together has taken up most of my free time for a week and a bit, and a fair bit of time that is not technically free time as well. I'm not complaining, it has been an absolute labour of love, and, as you can probably tell, I'm pretty proud of the list. But, quite honestly, I am exhausted!

So, once more, I appeal to you, my magnificent readers. Some of you I know are much more savvy than I am when it comes to pdfs, slideshows and so on. Already one of my female muscle lovin' contacts has generously offered to make a pdf version, which we will of course be posting here as soon as it is ready. But what about you?

Would you like to make something more of The Hot and Hard 100?

The materials you need are a click away below. Do with them what you will.

All the pics
All the text
All the flags (!)

Let's make it known that man's true dream has brains, beauty and big big biceps.

Let's spread the word about the wonderful examples of womanhood who are
The FMS Hot and Hard 100 of 2013, as far and as wide as possible.

We owe it to the women.

Thank you all again,

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