
Monday, 14 April 2014

Favourites Fortnight

Denise Masino: 2003 Olympia

A year later she performed her routine wearing the craziest headgear ever seen on the Olympia stage - a little something from her dungeon perhaps? - and finished 2nd in the lightweight class, but the raw sexuality of her 2003 routine, set to a cool house track, gets my vote as the hottest 2½ minutes of Denise Masino's contest career.

It's not always easy to find images from contests before, say, about 2009, and I only have the four images from the routine that you can see here. But, I think you will agree, each one is a solid gold winner, though I personally have a particular soft (or should that be hard?) spot for the one below. For reasons I imagine are obvious!

Enjoy the 'always aroused' Denise's entire routine here.

More faves tomorrow...

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