
Sunday, 6 April 2014

FBBUK: Devil and Disciple by Lisa Cross (Female Muscle Slave post #666)

As Iron Maiden taught us, 666 is The Number of the Beast, and by some weird coincidence (and a slight delay in posting to make sure the magic number was reached by myself) it just so happens that FMS' 666th post celebrates the publication of the debut novel by that Sexy Female Muscle Beast (and Iron Maiden) Lisa Cross.

Seems that Lisa was a frustrated writer all along (I might have guessed from the panache with which she describes those naughty clips she makes for her own website) and Devil and Disciple realises a lifelong ambition of hers. The nom de plume she has chosen is LJK Cross, though the plot doesn't sound very Potteresque. According to the blurb it is an erotically charged, gothic tale of Faustian proportions.

You can read the opening chapter for yourself on the Devil and Disciple website, and if you like it, pre-order a signed copy. And don't worry if you're not too keen to have it sent in the post, digital download is available (probably not signed). Or you could relive the days of furtive magazine purchases and wait till it comes out in the shops (it'll be available in Waterstones, WH Smith AND even Tesco in the UK).

Given the full title of the book is Devil and Disciple: The Temptation, it looks like she plans a whole series (Potter-style). She has, says the website, already started work on the sequel. Currently she is "on tour" in Europe (lucky lucky Europe) but she will be back in the UK soon to promote the book in person at Body Power Expo.

Congratulations once again to Lisa, a new IFBB pro, and now a published author.

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