
Sunday, 27 April 2014

The Look of Love: Mirror Mirror

Yesterday's musings about how it feels to be the hottest, most lusted after physique competitor in the world and then going up on stage and showing it all off while your fans are going wild... Well, it's had me thinking all sorts of things about the FBB and their body image. Or to put it another way, I've been delving in the FMS archives for images of musclelicious self-admiration. FBBs looking at themselves, looking at their own beautiful muscles, with what can only be described as "The Look of Love".

It's easy to imagine that Marja is thinking what a stone cold alpha muscle goddess she is. She's saying to herself, It's so sexy that my bicep is as big as my head. She's perhaps wondering if she should maybe tone it down a shade or two on the tan next time, but that all in all, she's feeling somewhat enamoured of her own amazing body.

And it's also easy to imagine Joanna getting all turned on by her own reflection. After all, it's a very arousing reflection, so naturally I'd assume she's arousing herself by looking at it. Joanna's clearly taking her time drinking it all in. Each muscle flexed and appreciated in turn until she can't bear it anymore and just rips off her top and starts to hit most muscular and abs and thigh poses till she collapses, panting for breath.

FBBs are always looking at themselves in the mirror. I reckon Denise Rodrigues likes what she sees when she looks in the mirror at the gym. Nathalie Foreau isn't about to miss an opportunity to check out how cut and sexy she is when there's a mirror in the lift. Denise has barely got in the door and she's ripping off her clothes and flexing in front of one of her (many many) mirrors. And meanwhile back at the gym, they've switched off most of the lights and shut up the office, but none of the weary staff are about to ask Eva Lagerhorn Blum if she'd like to call it a night on the mirror posing.

Obviously, my imaginings are my own fantasy of what a muscle woman sees and feels when she flexes for herself in the mirror. I was curious to see if there was anything out there written by the women themselves. In time-honoured research tradition here at FMS, I typed a few words into Google. And I found this on Tumblr...

I love my sport. But with it comes a negative side. Just like anything. The distortion you get of your own body is crazy. Please know that when I say I feel like a fat cow I’m serious. I mean it for myself and myself only. I have no expectations on anyone else and how they look. Being insanely lean and depleted of all water is very unhealthy and I realize that. However, the image that sticks in a competitors head is that day or two before the show. I realize that I’m not fat on anyone else’s terms. But for me and the way I see myself I feel like a size 16 when in reality I’m a 4.

Clearly my imaginings were not 100% on the nail. But, hey, it's not ALL bad news. Granted, it is a bit of a shame that this particular NPC competitor can suffer from the kind of insecurities about body image that can afflict anyone, but on the other hand, she does imply that around contest time she is going to be lovin' her muscular body in the mirror all over again. And thankfully, most of the mirror-posing photo shoots Swell found in the FMS archive just happened to have been taken with the women getting into, in, or post-contest shape, so we can all just go back to the fantasy.

With added definition!

Figure turned pro physique competitor Cydney Gillon admires herself - her contest-ready self - backstage during her amateur days. Perhaps she is thinking what sensational genetics she has been blessed with, that she has the potential to be really big, big like Lenda. Or perhaps she is just thinking that with this much muscle already she had better start planning for a career in the physique division now. She might be wishing that the NPC would allow her to pose in a thong, that it's a damn shame all that work she has put into getting her glutes so very tight isn't going to be fully appreciated by the judges or the crowd. But I think she's looking at her baseball biceps. I think she's loving how they peak when she twists her wrists inwards. I think she's been there twisting those wrists back and forth for a while, hypnotised by her own strong body, utterly lost in admiration of her own hard, pumped muscles...

Oooof! Got a bit lost myself there.

And if I start imagining what a glistening, rippling, and self-admiring Nicole Ball (and when she was still a bodybuilder to boot!) is thinking about here, then I may get myself so lost I may never be able to find my way back to reality again. So you will have to imagine this one for yourselves. I'm sure, dear reader, you are more than capable.


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