
Thursday, 1 May 2014

The Look of Love: Biceps

Not all biceps are loved...

Just today, I received an email from one of my boot campers stating that she was concerned about her increased arm size. She said that since February when she started taking classes from me, that her arms have gotten bigger and other women have commented on it. They've said, "Your arms look stronger".

She said that when she looks down at her arm when it's hanging by her side, that she can see a "bump" above the bend in her elbow (meaning she can see her bicep even when her arm is straight). And, in her opinion, that looks undesirable.

She told me she was upset that she put on weight since starting weightlifting in boot camp, but her clothes all still fit the same. Then, when I probed into this comment, she admitted that her arms were too "muscle-y", and that was the real issue.

Cassandra Forsythe, Female Fitness and Nutrition Scientist, from her blog

I really want a visible bicep vein back! Some women don't like having visible veins in their arms, but I do! I want to walk around with it showing all the time, lol!
Tracey Reifkind, conquering her former obesity through exercise, from her blog

I have to wear men's shirts because when I wear women's shirts, my biceps swell and buldge against the sleeves. I just hide them because so many people think that's gross on a woman, but I like how they look and feel. I like like feeling them buldging against the fabric, but to avoid being judged, I keep them well hidden when in public.
"strengthjunkie36", forum post

Every time I look in the mirror at myself I am shocked by my arms. I have really veiny hands and forearms and manlike muscles. Not very feminine. Toss in the farmers tan and I'm quite the freak. But my friend spends tons of money on personal training to get half the results I have from riding and working around the barn.
"Flash44", forum post

When I hear women bemoan the way their bodies pack on muscle, I can’t help but feel a bit envious. To me, it’s like hearing someone say they hate running because they are just so fast, or they don’t like to write because they might accidentally win a Pulitzer Prize. Their worst fear is one of my most fervent desires.

Listen, ladies who bulk up – your bodies are telling you something. Your bodies are saying, We want to be strong, we want to be muscular, we want to be ripped! If your body puts on muscle this easily, it’s because your body wants to be muscular. If your body thought muscle was a bad thing, it wouldn't build it so easily.

But you know what does think a woman with muscle is a bad thing? Our culture. Our culture has a big, big problem with women who are physically strong. Our culture says women who are physically strong are manly and unattractive and ugly. Our culture says women ought to be in need of protection from husbands, fathers, boyfriends. Our culture says women ought to be vulnerable to harm at all times, because if we were not, why would we need male protection?

Remember this next time you hate on your body’s innate ability to easily pack on muscle. Your capability for physical strength is immense. Do not take it lightly. Do not dismiss it. Please recognize it for the gift that it is.

Caitlin, from Fit and Feminist ("because it takes strong women to smash the patriarchy")

I LOVE HOW I LOOK NAKED! I wish I could spend more time being naked! I truly am happy with seeing my body progress and get stronger! I love my arms.
"LifeRXd", Accepting My Crossfit Body

Ever since I started taking ballet my biceps seem to be getting way too big! All of my muscles are of course getting stronger, and that's great, but when my arms are in fifth they're starting to look masculine! Is it possible that I'm doing something wrong?
"LalaLauren", forum post

Thursday is chest and bicep day so I am getting ready to pump up these 18-inch arms real good! I love it when the veins are so full and my skin feels like it will rip over my muscle! I love wearing an outfit to inspire my hard workouts and that does mean tight, little and sexy. I love feeling sexy while I make a fool of the weights :)
Naughty Nuriye, from her blog


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