
Monday, 26 May 2014

Ts of the Day: (A) MuscleMaria

If you're looking for "fitness friendship" in Texas, you'll be wanting another Musclemaria, but if it's big and sexy Jamaican-Canadian amateur female muscle you're after, then this is the only MuscleMaria for you. An exceptionally beautiful physique competitor from Calgary, Maria attended, according to her Facebook profile, a high school with the ridiculously appropriate name of Push Iron (I kid you not!).

The profile also tells us that she's married (sorry to break that to you). Surely the least the lucky fella can do is to make sure Maria's fed appropriately and promptly, although her gym vest in the black & whites above suggest that might not always be the case.

As well as her own Facebook, she has a Facebook fan page. You can also gorge yourself on Maria's curvy muscular beauty via her Instagram, and if that isn't enough for you (and I wouldn't at all be surprised if that were the case) you can find her camming on MuscleGirlzLive, where (no surprise again) she is a Top Ten performer.

Maria says, Bodybuilding Has Me On Fire, Baby!!! I Feel Soooo Sexy!!!


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