
Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Tube of the Week: Part I

Behind every great artist there is a muse. Baudelaire and Jeanne Duval, Hitchcock and Tippie Hedren, Robert Mapplethorpe and Patti Smith. F. Scott Fitzgerald wrote for Zelda, Godard directed for Anna Karina even when she was no longer starring in his films. Dylan was at his most inspired for Sara Lowndes, and Gala Diakonova (later Gala DalĂ­) turned on both Max Ernst and the great surrealist, Mr Avida Dollars himself.

And FMS' favourite attender and, more importantly, recorder of European fitness expos, the great Hevumisa, does, I believe have a muse of his very own too, the stunning vision of muscular sex appeal that is Joanna Romano.

She has already inspired him to bring us Joanna Romano at FIBO Power 2011, and two clips from 2013 - first, Joanna Romano at the Arnold Classic Europe 2013, and then its sequel, The Sexy Joanna Romano at Arnold Classic Europe 2013.

As muses go, Joanna is probably the one with the biggest, roundest, hardest biceps; the sexiest and best-defined abs; and the most incredibly thick and shredded back and shoulders. And what's more, although Gala was, by all accounts, a right goer, I doubt even she showed it off with quite as much gusto as the Muscle Queen of Catalunya.

Watch Hevumisa's latest Joanna-inspired masterpiece, and while you do you may well wonder, as I do, how you managed to overlook Joanna when you voted for the FMS Hot and Hard 100. I can only hope Hevumisa is planning to bring us more of his muse in order to make damn sure not one of us makes the same mistake next year.

Calenta! as they probably say everywhere the muscle muse goes...


  1. Thanks Slave for Joanna!! She has been moving up..FAST on my highly PLEASURABLE

  2. You were probably thinking about the word 'caliente' (hot in spanish), right?
