
Thursday, 26 June 2014

No Wonder He's Smiling (Nervously)

Little more than a blurry screencap as far as I can tell, this week's Pic of the Week may not be the best picture we've ever featured here in terms of quality.

However, I'm pretty confident you won't forget it in a hurry!

I first thought, "Isn't she big?" (or words to that effect), feasting my eyes on those huge biceps and, unless it's a trick of the light, a pair of lats that make her armpits look proper DEEP. There was that, and then there was the almost alien look the hair (or lack of it) gives her, like she's a kind of divine muscle female from outer space.

But my second thought was "Isn't she small?" Female muscle clip colossus he may be, but Mr FMC is by no means a giant of a man. And he is bending his knees quite a lot.

Now I'm no scientist, but I do remember (because my Physics teacher drummed into me) that density equals mass over volume, so the fact that Virginia has so much mass packed onto such a small area must mean that that mass is denser than dense can be.

So perhaps he's smiling a bit nervously because as good, enviable even, as his situation is, he can hear the floor giving way beneath the weight of Virginia's dense mass...


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