
Thursday, 31 July 2014

C. Moore Glootz's Fun from Rear

Given C. Moore's liability to be hospitalised/incarcerated for his beliefs, I feel duty bound to get in my Hall of Fame nomnominations in this period of tranquility when a speedy internet connection is readily available to me. So, on that note, viddy well my second all-time glooteal legend for your consideration: Debbie Muggli.

More precisely yet, Debbie's NOOD GLOOTZ in their fullest glory as snapped by female muscle photo legend Bill "The F***ing King" Dobbins, a man who C. Moore most definitely doffs his cap to for his services to my good self's self-pleasurement.

Let us start by taking a look at Debbie at her most volcanic...

You are probably thinking how great that was. Well, yes, but also NOOOOO!

Reasons as follows...

1. Cameraman apparently under orders to NOT get close-up of Debbie's glootage.

2. Regulations re: posing suit coverage of said glootage A F***ING CRIME!

Now, compare with the work of the King...

Oh, no ma'am. Bill ain't shootin' a single frame until all those clothes are well and truly popped onto that chair over there and every square millimetre of your crinkle-cut glootz have been lit the shi'ite out of. YES! YES! YES! THAT is the way to do it.

Heed the KING method if you want to be C. Moore's new photo champ. Seriously. The King even got her Popa-ness herself to pop her togs on the chair one time!!!

But back to the point. The teenage kicks C. Moore had from Debbie's glootiful rear under the direction of the Dobmeister can only be measured in gallons, I imagine. And if that isn't Hall of Fame-worthy, then please do tell C. Moore what exactly is.

[editor's note - readers' Hall of Fame nominations to please!]

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