
Tuesday, 8 July 2014

Swell Digs: Anastasia Papoutsaki

Greek physique sensation Anastasia Papoutsaki has been causing quite a stir on the forum boards and at FMS HQ for the best part of a year. First posted here in the middle of June (see 100 Biceps: Day 1) to no little acclaim from readers ("she has a pretty perfect bicep pec structure" was one of many comments), the time is ripe for a closer look at all the perfect parts of this stunningly beautiful former international athlete.

Her event was, at first, the 100m, but as far as we can ascertain, she had more success in the 400m and 400m hurdles, and represented Greece in international competition during 2010 and 2011. You can watch her race in (and win) a 400m heat at an international indoor meeting here. Wish more female athletes would consider making the transition to bodybuilding when they are finished with their sport, one forum poster has commented, pointing to the fact that she has made some great gains in her physique in just a few years. An FMS reader agrees: Lifting heavy, scantily clad in front of thousands... Track and field is maybe the ideal prep for female bodybuilding.

It's definitely worked for this former athlete. She has, indeed, built a jaw-dropping physique in just a couple of years, and has already won Ms Crete and Ms Greece titles, and recently at the IFBB Amateur Olympia Europe she finished 3rd at her first international show, representing her country with distinction once again.

Absolutely stunning is what they say on the forums, with much comment about what Anastasia doesn't have as what she does. A natural beauty, she is 1,000x hotter than all the girls with the falsies, states one poster on the forum whose first rule is... Beautiful from head to toe: no ink, no implants. Very rare, says another.

She's is "outstanding", and variously described as "the most beautiful" and/or "the sexiest" woman "in the galaxy" by others. Our FMS reader was impressed by her biceps and pecs, other female muscle heads point to her "insane calves", or her "huge shoulders". We say that wherever you're looking, it's clear all those years of training for sprinting have most definitely been advantageous for the gorgeous Anastasia.

If this Greek goddess is doing it for you as much as she is doing it for us and everyone else in the female muscle lovin' brotherhood then you might want to become one of her ever-growing number of followers on her Facebook and Instagram pages. And for those of you who (like me) love an exceptionally beautiful muscular woman in contest shape being interviewed in a language you can't understand, we leave you today with Anastasia looking glorious after her 2014 win at her national championships.


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