
Sunday, 1 February 2015

Swell Digs: The Return of Ozzy Female Muscle

I really wanted to push some limits, in my drawing, in my fantasies...

Having given us just two posts in the last two years, French female muscle blogger and friend of FMS Ozzy Female Muscle has started 2015 in a prolific mood. If things don't change, I will be able to post more. I really hope so! he tells us. So do we.

In fact, Ozzy's not just in the midst of (for him, anyway) a veritable posting frenzy, he's also thinking about taking commissions and doing comics, and appealing for advice on both counts. He's also looking for someone to colour his sketches, and someone else to save him the time-consuming job of translating from his native French into English.

Why not get in touch if you can help him with any of those things?

Keep pushing those limits, Ozzy. It's good to have you back!

Ozzy Female Muscle


1 comment:

  1. That's very nice of you, mate! Thanks for this post!
