
Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Brains, Biceps, Beauty.. BRITTNI!

She was probably already doing some celebrating when she made our Hot and Hard 100 list for the first time at #94, but in recent weeks "Bodybuilder, Super Saiyan, Fitness Fanatic and Atheist" Brittni Kent has had other reasons to celebrate too.


Guess who's graduating! says Brittni, who, as of 9th May, is a proud Associate in Science, Health and Human Performance. But she's not finished with the books. Not just yet anyway. Now [it's] time to tackle the nutrition degree, she says.


And if you were wondering why Brittni was looking so tanned in her gown and mortarboard, then the answer was the graduation pic was taken only hours before her Physique debut at the 2015 NPC Battle of the Bodies in her native Oklahoma.

Brittni may have been top of the class at college, but she came in second in her class at the show. Still wishing I'd tried a little harder on the comp[etition] prep, she admitted beforehand. But ultimately she had no regrets. Trading the striated glutes in for straight As this semester was worth it. Judging by the photos, she certainly seems to have enjoyed herself on the stage. There will be other shows, I'm sure.

So, the competition turned out a lot more fun than I thought it would be. I met some awesome people, had a great time, and even took home a sword. I've decided, if I can manage to hold on to the 10lbs of muscle I gained, then I'm going to compete in the Oklahoma next year if I'm not in school. Next year I'm bringing the HEAT.


Brittni has also done a handful of photo shoots in the last few months as well. Glorious as she looks, this is very new to her, and one of the most endearing qualities is her honesty when she's outside her comfort zone, and photoshoots are definitely in that category. By her own admission, being all glamorous and pouty and sultry is not something that comes naturally to her. [I] Really wish I had thought of better poses prior to showing up, she said of her October shoot (top left and bottom right)!

But she is at her most beautiful - in my opinion anyway - in a shoot she did with local (to her) photographer Lee Baxley before her graduation and when she was nearing her contest ready peak. And I'm not saying this just because these are nudes, either (although if ever there was proof of the maxim that fit women look good naked, this is it). They really are beautifully-lit photographs of a beautifully sculpted body.

And, here she is all endearingly unsure of herself again, she almost didn't make the photos public. Was conflicted on posting these, she told her Instagram followers. Happily, she decided to do so, and for all the right reasons. I'm proud of these pictures, so I won't let the opinions of others dictate my life. Lee Baxley is an amazing photographer and captured the softer side of me I had never seen before. It's like seeing myself through new eyes, and I'm glad to have had the experience.

And now the cramming and the exams and the graduation and the training and the dieting and the contest debut are over and done with, Brittni's been having herself some well-deserved R&R - a holiday with her fiancé. In Vegas. Where else?!

You can follow Brittni's Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Tumblr. Lee Baxley, as far as I can tell from his Tumblr, hasn't done anything remotely as good as the shoot he did with Brittni, but you might like to keep an eye on his work too.



  1. Oh, for the love of all things both holy and unsacred! This chick is everything I ever fancied in a woman: muscular, balloon-less (atm), educated, and a dork. And a fellow non-believer! Of course, if I'M this smitten, and I swear I mean no offense, there's a good chance she's also a lesbian. Not because she's too good to be true, or because I can't have her, but because I can't seem to ever choose to pursue heterosexual women. Call it 'reverse gay-dar', it's horrible.

    Of course, if that's not the case (and to be clear, I'm not inferring anything either way about that), then it means she's exactly what I'd be after if I was after anything, and, being one of a million hangers-on, I'm not ever going to show up as a candidate in her mind. I'm just a fan or a fetishist first and foremost, (forgive the alliteration) in all probability, so even if she's not already spoken for, I still have no chance.

    It's this sort of karmic unfairness that makes me consider monkdom. Just when you reconcile with the idea of dying alone, you get tempted by something forever beyond you.

  2. Brittni has a fiance who is a man, so I think it's safe to assume she is straight. And there's every indication on her Instagram that she is very proud of her all-natural pecs.

    As for the rest, you might console yourself with the fact that her man found Brittni. Maybe you might find yours at your local gym?

    Thanks for reading and sharing. I'm sure a lot of other readers can relate. We've all been there at one time or another. Feel free to email me
