
Monday, 20 July 2015

Hot and Hard: One Vote Wonders

Today, we're going back to the voting for this year's Hot and Hard 100 with three mouth-watering women who, despite their very different shapes and sizes, most definitely possess both heat and hardness. What they also have in common is that they all received a single vote. For reasons that will become clear though, FMS felt they deserved better - or at least a mention on the blog, and today is their day.

Firstly, from Brazil, it's "Fitness Diva" Michelle Lewin.

Michelle's single vote came from none other than UK female muscle bloggin' legend PumpItUp, who had Michelle near the top of his list for the second consecutive year.

I just adore Michelle Lewin, he said, explaining his choices back in 2014. Her pics never disappoint, all the boxes are ticked. There’s perfect wife material there.

Seems like absolutely NONE of you agree! But as the man had a "death rattle moment" with an old hard drive last week - 400GB and probably 2 years of surfing, downloading and collecting gone - I'm sure you won't object to us showing him a little love and sympathy in the shape of his favourite Brazilian goddess.

More Michelle on Facebook, Instagram (where she has getting on for two million followers), her own website, and her YouTube channel, from which her latest clip...

Visit PumpItUp's Female Muscle for Autumn Swansen, Aleesha Young, Angelica Enberg, Cornelia Ritzke, Helga Stibi (just some of this week's posts) and, of course, much much more of his beloved Michelle Lewin.

And our next One Vote Wonder is 24-year-old Whitney Haycock.

The lovely Whitney is an NPC Figure competitor with a little more muscle than most of those Figure ladies (the amateurs anyway). She's been competing since 2012, and last year she was 10th in her class at the USAs and then 6th at the Nationals.

Whitney's single vote was notable because she is the only woman (so far) in the two years of the Hot and Hard 100 to have been #1 on someone's list and absolutely nowhere on everybody else's. As she is married - and "happily" - I do wonder whether the vote came from her husband, but as the reader in question never got back to me after I thanked him for voting, I can't confirm that theory I'm afraid.

A more likely explanation would be that her lack of votes was down to the fact that she was, at the time of voting at least, relatively unknown. I certainly hadn't heard of her before - I mean, who has enough time on their hands to check out the pics of the 6th place finisher at the NPC Nationals in Figure Class F? - but you can bet I've been all over both her Instagram and her Facebook page ever since then!

So, definitely time we all got to know Whitney a little better...

And you can see Part 2 of that interview here.

And so to our third and final One Vote Wonder...

How I ended up being the only person who voted for the amazing Twana Barnett-Fergsuon had my jaw to the floor when I was adding up the votes (and you can bet I did more than one recount before I convinced myself it was, in fact, true) and to be honest, I still can't believe no one else has, like me, fallen under her spell.

Swell was digging Twana back in August of last year and featured her again as part of our Winners of 2014 round-up after she had won her pro card at the IFBB North Americans, so you can hardly use the excuse that she was unknown to you.

Is it the tats? Despite the muscles and the smile and the whole black Mavi Gioia thing she's got going on, your excuse is that you can't see past the tats? Really?!?!

I am shocked. And disappointed. And still very much in the Twana Barnett-Ferguson promotion business. You'll be seeing these tats again for sure!

Why not fall for Twana's charms in the meantime over on her sexy, informative (really, if you want to know what women like Twana hate other people doing in the gym while they're working out, you will find it there) and funny Instagram feed?

Exhibit A

Confession... I only go to the gym to stay strong enough to carry ALL my groceries in 1 trip! Am I the only one part of Team No Two Trips!?!?!

Exhibit B

Is it still "beastmode" if you smile and laugh through the whole workout??? I've gotta work on my warface.

I mean, come on, how can you not love her?

And I leave you today with the latest from her YouTube channel.

Cardio. Twana style.


1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the love, Bro! And pics of Michelle AND another crush of mine stunning Tina Nyguen that I hadn't seen before. If only the voting fraternity had realised Michelle's charms as well, maybe next year......
