
Saturday, 11 July 2015

Memories of Lynn

By now you've probably heard the sad news that Lynn McCrossin passed away on June 17th, two days after her 56th birthday, finally losing her battle with cancer.

Fans have been quick and generous in their tributes. Many credited Lynn as "the reason I got in touch with Female Bodybuilding" or something to that effect, and nearly as many others remembered "a real sweetheart", "so nice and friendly", a woman who "seemed to absolutely love what she did and who genuinely appreciated the fans".

My own personal Lynn memory would have to be the Impulse Productions video she made with Peggy Schoolcraft, probably the first self-consciously "erotic" female muscle DVD I purchased. My favourite scene? Definitely Lynn and Peggy doing their "light workout" in the gym, gradually peeling off their clothes as the heat rises. The undoubted highlight would have to be a topless Lynn talking a topless Peggy through the finer points of the pec bounce. They stand side-by-side, watching their own and each other's pecs go boing boing boing in the mirror. Female muscle gold.

What I never realised until I read Lori Braun's excellent tribute on Female Muscle was how much of a pioneer Lynn was - making her debut as a bodybuilder way back in 1984. Nor did I know that Lynn had spent years working in the mental health field. Whether it was her personal training clients, the addicts who she treated or fans whose eyes she opened to the joy of female muscle, one way or another it seems Lynn McCrossin spent her life transforming the lives of others for the better.

She was damn hot, writes one fan in their tribute. Though I've not met her, it feels like she has been with me for a lot of years now! It's a sentiment that sums it up nicely I think. Missed she will be, but she will also be there in our memories and the body of work she leaves behind. And in that sense, she'll be with us for many years yet.

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