
Saturday, 22 August 2015

While the Slave's Away: Day 1

The FMS office is going to be closed for the next couple of weeks. Turns out the secretary booked the staff jolly to begin the very weekend the female muscle lovin' world is going to be glued to the Rising Phoenix. Or to put it another way, while the Slave is away, the big muscle girls are coming out to play. Or something. Sigh.

But, just like my dear old Mum used to do, we've made damn sure the freezer is stocked with a fortnight's worth of meals. If you imagine the posts are the meals and the freezer is the "Scheduled Posts" folder [Are you high?! - ed.].

So, pierce that cling film and pop it in the microwave...


Just when you thought sexy Marthe Sundby couldn't get any sexier, her IFBB pro card arrives in the mail and she starts contest prep and suddenly you can see all the detail of EVERY single muscle on her bounteously freaky Norwegian body. Mercy!

It seems some of her prep has consisted of dressing up, a bit of ballet, and making the sun shine out of her swoonfully striated and (no doubt) harder than granite arse.

Which she tans, religiously. Restocking it with sunlight?

Surely, if any woman passes Corinne Ingman's "don't call yourself shredded until you are truly, disgustingly peeled" test, then it is Marthe. Seriously. How much more f***ing ripped can she get? Excitingly, the answer is, quite possibly, A LOT. The most recent photo here is still two weeks out. The mind boggles. And not only that.

She sure will be a sight come stage time. Sorry I can't enlighten you regarding which contest Marthe is all set to outfreak the competition at. Two weeks out was two days ago which is about eight days before you will read this post. So that should help you work it out [You ARE high, aren't you? - ed.]. Just high on Marthe, sir. As a kite.

Marthe's Instagram aka The Freaky Show.


1 comment:

  1. OMFG... That's juste insane condition... So freakin' hot and sexy!!!
    That must be hard as a rock...
