
Wednesday, 23 September 2015

MUSCLE: Meet the Future

[Today's post, as do most of the posts this week, makes reference to the "10-15%" reduction in muscle the IFBB/NPC recently announced. If you haven't already, you might want to read Saturday's post in order to fully understand the context.]

I started my fitness journey in November 2013, says Figure phenomenon Shanique "The Future" Grant. I was so new at the “eating clean, training mean” lifestyle but I was determined to make a change and step outside of the crowd, to stand out.

I think it's fair to say that Shanique has very much achieved that goal. At the age of 19, she became the youngest ever IFBB Figure pro just a year after she had begun to train, finishing 2nd in her class in only her third show - the 2014 NPC Nationals.

It has to be one of the best feelings of my life, she said at the time. I feel accomplished but it doesn’t stop there. I have high hopes on what greater improvements I can make by next year. And when next year became this year those improvements were there for all to see. In eight months she had put so much more muscle on her frame. Her thighs had flared out, her glutes were thick and tight. Her shoulders seemed rounded to perfection, and her back impossibly wide compared to her freakishly tiny waist.

10-15% more muscle at least.

In her very first pro show in Tampa at the beginning of August she announced herself to the division, coming 5th on her pro debut. Then, just a few weeks later in Atlantic City she made an even bigger splash, finishing runner-up behind Joan Smith.

Suddenly she was all over the fan forums, but on top of that, pictures of Shanique were popping up on the Instagram feeds of her fellow Figure competitors. They purred over her "perfect" proportions, and they freely admitted to having fallen in love with her.

Now I wanted to point out that if Shanique's level of muscularity were the future of Figure, then Figure would have my attention. But, I was going to say, it seems that will not be the case. I was planning to start wringing my hands at this stage, to once again comment on the IFBB/NPC's new Physique and Figure guideline for 2016. I was going to point out that Shanique (already on what Head Judge Sandy Williamson calls at "top of the line" of Figure muscle) may have to move up to Physique whether she wants to or not if she keeps developing at the rate she has done in the last year. But then I came across Shanique's reaction to the IFBB's announcement on her Facebook page.

The thing is... I don't see anything wrong with the IFBB/NPC. My experiences have been nothing but amazing. Yes, I definitely believe they should pay the winning IFBB athletes WAY more [but] the judges aren't in the wrong here, your conditioning is.

Oh, wait, there's more...

Since they made another division for men, I see women complaining about wanting a division between Bikini and Figure more than anything... WELL, all I can say is, stick to one and make it suitable for yourself, either slow down your training or pick it UP. On the other hand a lot of people have been asking if I'll go into Women's Physique or stay where I'm at. Basically I won't stop until I dominate the Figure division.

Consider my perception realigned. I won't be bleating on again this week that's for sure. And it took a 19-year-old to set me straight. Hardly your average 19-year-old though!

So let's finish up today with something you don't get to see in Figure competition clips and pics. From the HDPhysiques YouTube channel, the future of Figure - flexing.

And you can follow the Shanique phenomenon on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.


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