
Thursday, 26 November 2015

Sweat. Sweet! (Xtra Sweat)

Yes, it's another one of those FMS posts entirely built on the toil (the sweat!) of others. Thanks to all who sent in their favourite sweaty muscle women pics, I was overwhelmed by the response, really - my inbox will never smell the same again. And the result of your efforts is a post packed with images, cascading over your screen like the sweat cascading over Madeleine Persson's perfectly perky pecs.

Better still, thanks to Pennypacker Industries, you can Scratch and Sniff* your screen (if compatible) for a fuller sensory experience wherever you see this sign...

Thanks again to all you lovely readers who sent the sweat. This one's for you!


What a start! Look at it pouring off Asha Hadley's honed muscular body. We all knew that in a world of dedicated muscle babes Asha is more dedicated than most, but DAMN! You could fill several buckets with the sweat in the centre pic alone.


Australia's next biggest thing may not have reached the same sweat peak as Asha when this picture was taken, but you get the feeling her emissions are about to rise...


Scratch and Sniff* now for a blast of Fanny's sweat-soaked vest.

I wore this for a full week without changing it, says Fanny. Then it festered in the washing basket for another couple of days before I was contacted by the guys at Pennypacker industries for a sample. Stale yet deliciously ripe and fruity...


Now I've seen the clip these caps are taken from, so I know that lickable sheen on Sierra Magnus' magnificent midriff is sprayed on, but frankly, who cares?

And the lower she goes, the more lickable she gets...


Now here's a first on FMS, an Indonesian fbb. And she's not going to get out of the way of the TV until you have sucked up every last drop from her sweaty back. Maria Arina is her name apparently, and she looks pretty good glammed up as well - here.

Brazilian Fernanda Deporte (left) and FMS' favourite Cretan goddess Anastasia Papoutsaki (right) are both available here for your Scratch and Sniff* pleasure. Fernanda's scent is definitely the more powerful, which is not surprising because she's a powerlifter. Anastasia's is more delicate, but utterly intoxicating nonetheless.

Big big thanks to FMS Head of Research JT for Anastasia, both the rear view above and the post-cardio sheen and swoon-fest below. Isn't she just bloody GORGEOUS?!


FMS approved gymwear modelled here by yet another rising Aussie fbb, Tamika Webber. And if you are wearing this AND you are a stone cold knockout à la Tamika, that's a double thumbs up. I don't always wear this kind of revealing top in the gym, Tamika tells us with a wink. Sometimes I wear a lot less. Check out Tamika on Facebook and Instagram - she's a lot darker these days and a whole lot bigger too!


The woman's got more pics out there that I can count, says one forum poster on the subject of Ekaterina (aka Katyuha) Kuznetsova. I get the impression that she seems to really enjoy showing off that muscle. Well, Girls with Muscle has 779 of those pics for your viewing pleasure, and yes, I also get the impression she isn't backward in coming forward to show off her hard work either. Not all those pics will get your "trapped in a sauna" fantasies raging quite so much as these (though a large majority of her pics do feature her topless or tastefully nude), nor will you find much better evidence that she's quite the exhibitionist than this groovy clip right here.

Bet that made you sweat.


Scratch and Sniff* now for a taste of sweet sweaty muscle pits courtesy of the sheeny Brittany Ramsey (left) and the woman who makes me go MN! (right), the magnificent Mmmmiava Nelson. When Pennypacker Industires contacted me for a pit sweat sample I was only too happy to oblige, says Miava. After all, I LOVE the smell of me. And thanks to Miava, Brittany and a whole host of other obliging and sweaty muscle goddesses, PI's range of concentrated female muscle pit sweat will be available to buy online in time for Christmas. Go on! Treat yourself. You deserve it.


And we sweat for the last time today with another of JT's finds, Dana Linn Bailey in competition with no one but herself and straining every sinew (and sweating from every pore) in the quest for one more rep than yesterday. Interesting crowd she's got watching her there. Or actually not watching. I wonder what could have possibly been more distracting than DLB at that very moment... JT is, I'm sure, already on it.

Huge thanks go to JT for his invaluable contribution, and all the other lovely readers without whom today's post would be blank spaces, a few noses, and a lot of irrelevant text. [See, told you I wouldn't say who you were or even mention your web moniker without your permission.] Special thanks to PumpItUp for his contribution - more pics than the rest of you put together, I'm afraid. Go see his blog (lots of sweat there) and show the man some (much needed - he hasn't had the best time of it recently) love.

* Scratch and Sniff technology used by kind permission of Pennypacker Industries

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