
Monday, 13 June 2016

Size Matters: Natalia, 3 Ways

After Laura Carolan, and with apologies to the women of the smaller divisions - you know I loves ya and all - but after Laura, we couldn't just go back to normal overnight.

As a result, it's going to be big girls all week.

Size Matters was originally the collective title of a week of posts I did back in 2012. And very successful posts they were too. And by success I mean both popularity with readers and my own personal feelings. From that week A Fantasy Contest, to give one example, got more responses than any post that had gone before, and remained our most responded to post until you lovely readers started answering the call for Hot and Hard 100 votes. For another, Super Freaks is still one of my own personal favourite posts on the blog, one of the pieces of writing I am proudest of.

Time - not to mention the fact that I said pretty much all I wanted to say about size that week - prevents me from even attempting to scale the same heights again. But I can promise a lot of prime female muscle meat, because for one more week on FMS, bigger is better. This week, once again, Size Matters.

And at the risk of going too big too early in the week, we begin with the "inhuman", the "superhuman", the "freak of nature" that was your Hot and Hard 100 highest new entry at #12, the Super Freak herself, Natalia Trukhina.

She must seriously be eating steroids for breakfast - she is huge!

Not steroids, it seems, but Grow Food!

We'll borrow a food analogy for today's recent Natalia selections, seems apt somehow. So, like they do on Masterchef ("I've made carrots three ways, Greg"), we're going to see Natalia three ways today. And #1 is on webcam, in fact the webcam show (or at least the bit that could be posted on YouTube) that the "eating steroids for breakfast" comment was referring to.

That dress barely fits her like a shirt, notes our breakfast juice Tumblr poster. Her sheer girth certainly does make it scream for mercy. "Amazing FBB Webcam" indeed!

Way #2 is Natalia on stage. Not, sadly , competing - there were stories she would compete at the NAC Worlds, but this doesn't appear to have happened as far as I know. Instead, it's a guest posing slot, in Israel at their NAC national championships. It's not the most dynamic routine I've ever seen (watch some of it here), but I guess when you're Natalia, you really don't need to do much to make a big impression.

Why try harder?!

Some of the chaps look impressed anyway!

Which kind of brings us to way #3. Natalia in comparison - also from her recent Israeli sojourn - because, as one forum posting fan points out, One cannot comprehend how big she is until one sees comparisons.

Quite frankly, I am still having trouble comprehending. And breathing.

Wonder if that "dress" is still in one piece. Wonder if it made it to the end of that camshow. Surely if she keeps wolfing down that "Grow Food" then it is doomed...

More size tomorrow.


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