
Saturday, 27 August 2016

Far From Routine: Ozzy's Evening Show

A little while back FMS asked you lovely readers what your "all-time favourite" routines were, and last month we brought you a week of those choices as well as some of our own selections. As noted at the time, it being summer and all, not every reader managed to get their choices to us in time to make the posts, so we promised we'd be revisiting the theme again in the future, and today that's what we're doing.

All selections (and text) are courtesy of Ozzy of Ozzy's Female Muscle fame. Not all of his choices are actual routines, but given the time and effort it must have taken him to put this all together, we've included all of his choices. I think you'll agree it all amounts to quite a fantasy show, and your seat has the best view in the house. Pace yourself!

Ozzy says: When I saw your question about what would be our best routines, I understood that as "What are the routines which I jerked off to the most?" Hard to choose, because I've unloaded a lot of cum watching a lot of competitions!

But these are mine, in no particular order.


2013 NPC USA Championships

Unfortunately for us, there are not a lot of videos of Shannon on stage, so the few I have are like precious diamonds! In this one, as always, Shannon just exudes sex. The way she shows her ass is just totally insane!!! She knows perfectly well that at this moment every man in the room is going crazy watching those two huge pieces of hard meat! Hands just have to be in pockets... I hope they had a few tissues!

2011 IFBB Toronto Pro

We all know that Brigita is a cum factory. Her body, swollen with muscles, is a true hymn to masturbation. But when I first saw this routine, I couldn't believe what was in front of my dick! She's SO huge that her bra explodes!!! Boy, it was too much for me, almost like a dream come true... I had to change my pants immediately, and I still think it's one of the most exciting things I have seen on a stage.


2001 IFBB Championships (?)

It's just impossible to not have an insane hard-on watching Christine on stage, flexing her huge manly muscles. She just knows that she's a sex object, and she enjoys that! Her most muscular pose is probably the best in all the FBB world. I truly cannot count the times I jerked off watching her meaty pecs.

2001 Jan Tana Pro Classic

I couldn't do a list without putting Marja on it, but it's so hard to choose just one routine of hers! I mean, I've watched all of them, I know all of them, and I jerked off every time I saw a new one. But I finally decided to choose the first one I ever saw, the 2001 Jan Tana, because it was such an unbelievable shock to see this female for the first time. Again, I cannot count the times I've jerked off to this routines since 2001, I know it every detail of her moves, her expressions, and release anytime she flexes her insanely huge biceps!

1997 Ms Olympia

This was the very first video with muscular women I bought, and I guess you can imagine how many times I watched it! Hard to choose between all those sexy freaks who participated in this competition, because there were a lot of huge and sexy ladies: Kim Chizevsky, Nancy Lewis, Sue Myers... But almost every time it was Andrulla who won. I just know her routines perfectly, her moves to the music, her expressions, even after all these years, releasing after she's on the floor, shaking her huuuge quads, and she hits a double bideps pose... Cum!!!

2006 CBBF Canadian Championships

I remember perfectly the first time I saw this video. I immediately thought: "Wow, that's the most erotic thing I've ever seen!" and, of course, just after, I jerked off like a madman. Cindy has always be one of my faves, and in this routine, I think she's at her best. I dreamed of her so much... I was truly obsessed by her!

2004 NPC Nationals

Another great routine, so much better than any porn, the huuuge and sexy Gina on stage! Her smile, her attitude, her body... All of it just gives me an insane boner! The way she moves, slow and cocky, I guess she can hear the sound of the loads in the room, the moans of pleasure of the lucky bastards who were there at the time! Lucky bastards who will always be able to say "Yes, I was there, and I jerked off!"

I could, Ozzy adds, go on for hours and add Denise Rutkowski, Heather Armbrusst, Yaxeni Oriquen... but I think we are all grateful for his selections as they are, and maybe a little thankful that he didn't go on.

I, for one, need to get some fluids on board.

If you haven't sent your own selections in yet, please don't think you're too late, send them in (with or without text) to the usual email address:

Thanks to Ozzy for a great show with a great commentary!

All the clips in a rar here.


  1. Each of these magnificent women reminds me why I've been a fan of women's bodybuilding for over 20 years now. Of this collection, Shannon's got to be my top pick. Those awesome glutes and her pumped pecs do it for me every time.

  2. Thank you so much for this post!

  3. That 2001 vid of Christine always makes me erupt. Her most musculars are amazing.
