
Wednesday, 24 August 2016

The Strong Arms of the Law

After yesterday's Bad Girls, today it's the Good Cop. A bikini-clad Swedish police officer has been praised for tackling a suspected thief while she was off-duty sunbathing with friends in Stockholm, said the BBC, while The Sun (as you'd expect) somewhat more dramatically headlined the story: The incredible moment swimsuit-wearing off-duty cop pins down thief who stole sunbathers’ mobile phones.

He seemed a poor homeless guy trying to do the right thing, selling newspapers rather than begging, said the "bikini-clad Swedish police officer" who posted the pic to her Instagram. When we didn't buy his newspaper he tried to steal my cell phone!

He had picked the wrong woman to steal from. Mikaela Kellner is not just a police officer who has appeared on the Swedish version of Ninja Warrior, but also describes herself as an athlete, a powerlifter and a Crossfitter - "toughest competitor alive". This was the first time in my 11 years as a police officer that I have intervened while wearing a bikini, she said. I must say it was pretty good fun and rather pleasant.

The BBC made no mention at all of Mikaela's athleticism. Not so The Sun. There can be no dispute about who came out on top, exclaimed reporter Danny Collins, with the muscle-bound cop holding the man in an arm lock. He may have thought twice had he known that the sunbathing policewoman was a champion bodybuilder!
Mikaela and friends, including (top left) Amanda Almroth and (bottom right) Jenny Adolfsson

Mikaela's muscles hadn't escaped the attention of the fan forums even before the incident, but after the story broke she was dubbed "the sexiest superhero alive", and her collar "the luckiest thief". This guy just wanted a gorgeous woman to handcuff him, claimed one fan, and offers "to play the bad guy next" have been plentiful.

Mikaela's back in training after a summer break. Thieves beware!

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