
Thursday, 29 September 2016

Physique Dreams: Olympian Dreams

Today, three of the many excellent interviews done at the recent Olympia for HD Physiques by Sarah Butler, Ashley Losee and perennial mic holder Katie Lee. All are Physique pros dreaming of their date (maybe next year) on the Olympia stage, and, it's certainly no coincidence, are all firm FMS faves featured on these pages before.

Enjoy the vests, the bulging biceps, the obligatory end-of-interview flexes!

BROOKE WALKER (interviewed by Katie Lee)

Not the first time these two have talked for the camera by any means. Brooke looks fantastic in her grey vest, her shoulders and arms rippling with solid muscle as she waxes lyrical about some of the women who were competing at the Olympia. She appears to have a bit of a woman crush on Autumn Swansen in particular.

Katie Lee isn't looking too shabby either!

SIERRA MANGUS (interviewed by Sara Butler)

It's no secret I've had a crush on Sierra since long before she turned pro, and the recent racier turn her Instagram (aka "The Tao of Sierra") has taken has only made matters worse. Currently, as she says in the clip, Sierra's deep in prep. It doesn't necessarily show here, but head over to said IG and you'll see she's in absolutely tip-top shape.

Sierra's website - coming soon.

JEN LOUWAGIE (interviewed by Sara Butler)

Entitled "Awesome Biceps..." and it's not hard to see why. Check it out though, Jen reveals in the interview that this is her year off. This is how her arms look when she's NOT competing!!! Must have had some security there, I mean it's the only reason I can find to explain why some drooling female muscle head doesn't rush into shot, kneel before Jen and beg her permission to touch those arms "just once".

More Jen here.

And if these three have whetted your appetite for more of this sort of thing (or, bizarrely, none of them float your - frankly weird - boat) just head over to the HD Physiques You Tube channel for a whole bunch of similar Olympia encounters.

Tomorrow, the Physique women who did compete at this year's Olympia.

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