Thursday, 3 November 2016
She Is Not Alone
So far this week we've focused on images of women employing the mirrors to snap themselves in the elevators I never seem to be lucky enough to get into at the right moment. Today though, the female muscle elevator images are not selfies. Someone was in there with her, or, as with Melissa Leier (above), on the outside looking in.
The latter type can appear pretty tantalising. Is Karina Nascimento (below left) holding the door for you or giving you a taste before the door shuts? Perhaps Ramona Valeria Alb is smiling because she's pleased to see you getting in there with her, or because she knows how dumb your face is going to look as the door slides shut?
But let's say you do make it in there.
In your dreams, well, in my dreams anyway, all sorts of shenanigans...
Hard flexing. And, it seems to me, an invitation to do some hard mirin perhaps? Kindra Connally, who, I kid you not, took 61st place in Arizona for a Miss Jetset contest once upon a time, seems like she'd be happy to be mired. Hard.
Nothing 61st placed about Holly Mitchell's (apparently contest shape) body. That dress can't hide it. I imagine my elevator experience with Holly would be part of a contest package weekend the least of which would be front row tickets for the show.
Now this... this is the picture I came across recently responsible for setting my mind to a week of female muscle in elevators. That glorious bum belongs to Valerija Slapnik, and you can make your own joke there. Valerija is a Slovenian Bikini pro, and whoever has got their foot in that white trainer on the left of the picture is, I imagine, enjoying the view. They probably walk a few steps behind Valerija at all times.
Could it get any better?
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