
Tuesday, 21 February 2017

Then & Now: 1994

In the days before the Hot and Hard 100 voting closes (and you've only got 7 left by the way), FMS likes to avoid influencing your decisions unduly by bringing you some historical, rather than contemporary, female muscle. This year we've come up with a kind of time machine idea, used a random date generator, picked a contest winner from that year, and tried to find out what that special lady from the past is up to now.

Today, 1994, and Katherine "Kat" Sartor has won the CBBF Nationals.


It's a shame the only contest pics I could find of Kat were from two years before her Canadian Nationals win, if only because it would be great to see how she (Heavyweight winner), Patty Marciano (Lightweight), and Melissa Coates (Middleweight - Cathy Lefrançois was 2nd in class, Desiree Ellis 3rd!) posed down for the Overall title!

Kat is probably most familiar to female muscle heads from her work with Ray Martin, who shot her as a pro in 1995, when she competed at the Jan Tana Classic.

Kat exemplifies the perfect bodybuilding structure, superb from any angle, reads the entry on her Twixpix page. Ray Martin agreed, noting her physique was 'complete' in that no one body part over powered another. A lean, race-horse physique, he adds. Lots of sinewy muscular definition, topped off by a mane of curly red hair.


The mane has lost its curls, but Kat's still fit and in the gym. She's been a personal trainer for over 20 years, winning a PT of the Year award in 2003, and still working in Vancouver today. She was also, until recently, heavily involved with the British Columbia Amateur Bodybuilding Association, ultimately as Head Judge. Check out Kat's website, where, among other things, you learn that when she was bodybuilding back in the early 90s, she was working for the Royal Canadian Mounted Police!

More Then & Now tomorrow.

Just one week left to vote for the 2017 FMS Hot and Hard 100.

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