
Sunday, 12 February 2017

Veronica Bødtker

Between the time we ask you (as we did on 1st February) for your Hot and Hard 100 votes, and the day voting closes (reminder: 28th February this year), FMS often wonders whether we should introduce someone new to the blog for fear of influencing you lovely readers a bit too much - in a post-war Europe CIA or present-day Russia kind of way. Half of the editorial team seem to think we should completely abstain from posting anyone new, and cite Kayla Rassatti's appearance in our 2015 list, and subsequent disappearance in 2016, as evidence that an ill-timed, if beautifully illustrated and very well-written post, can have far-reaching consequences.

On the other side of the conference table, the other half of the team reckon that seeing as the intention has always been for the list to represent the hottest 100 hard women in the world now, it follows that if a hot and hard lady who has never featured on FMS before has recently caught our eye then it's not just OK, but actually our responsibility as bloggers to get her posted before voting closes (reminder: February 28th).

Possibly though, the whole argument is irrelevant. Year on year you lovely readers have voted for hot and hard women who, quite honestly, we had no idea existed. Better informed and more up-to-date than the FMS editorial team could ever hope to be, you the readers consistently introduce far more women to us than we introduce to you.

So I probably don't need to tell you to say hello to Norway's Bodyfitness champ Veronica Bødtker. I'm sure you already know that last year was Veronica's first as a competitor, and doubtless you know that she impressed, winning silver at the Europeans and coming 4th at the Worlds. And you probably also know that when Veronica's not training or posing that tight little hot and hard body of hers or showing off her strength and/or flexibilty to her Instagram followers she's a nurse. In Oslo.

She's probably already on your list.

REMINDER: just over 2 weeks left to vote for your HOT AND HARD 100 of 2017

Use the comment box below or send your list to

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