
Thursday, 11 May 2017

Six Times Two

When one of you lovely readers reached out and suggested featuring muscle twins on the blog, I seriously doubted whether the FMS research team could come up with a week's worth of beauties. How wrong I was! The team may not always have managed to track down the precise locations of these female muscle double acts, and most of them are not exactly covered in huge, bulging muscles, but we found more than seven.

Today, it's the best of the rest.

The Klimaszewski Twins

Diane and Elaine Klimaszewski are Polish-American twins who may be very familiar to US readers of a certain age who remember a particular beer commercial the ladies featured in. Later they found a kind of fame on TV and film, and also appeared on WCW as part of the "Nitro Girls" - not a wrestling team, but a dancing troupe.


German twins Julia and Stephanie go deep. What you think you become, what you feel you attract, what you imagine you create, they say. See? Very deep. Instagram deep.


OK, so I'm stretching (geddit?) here a bit calling these two "muscular", but hey, Russian twins who seem to peddle some kind of exotic contortionism/novelty double-take DJing act - what's not to like? At least one of them has visible abs... I give up. twins222official on Instagram, in case you are interested. They seem very close.

Betsy & Shelly Albetta

From New Jersey, Betsy (left, above) was a Figure competitor in the noughties, while the slightly thicker Shelly was still competing in 2013. Read interviews with both of them on the late, lamented Promoting Real Women. Betsy's is here; Shelly's here.

Brie & Nikki Bella

San Diego's greatest ever wrestling team (probably) did like a flex back in their heyday, and they probably still do. I've never been one for thinking WWE was essential viewing, but when my mate's son was into it, we certainly bonded over the question of who was our favourite "Diva". He liked Kelly Kelly. I went for the twins, obviously.

Carrie & Christy Bacon

OK, best for last. "Arrow" and "Bullet" on the Swedish version of Gladiators, there's no denying the muscle on this bacon. Carrie has competed in Physique, while Christy is apparently a Crossfit competitor and basketball player. Carrie's Instagram has more muscle, Christy's has more basketball. Both so delicious, says one forum wag.


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