
Monday, 28 August 2017

FMS @NPC USAs 2017: Kathy Garza

This week on FMS, a rather tardy look back at this year's NPC USAs, which took place in Las Vegas at the end of July. It's a contest which hs given us a lot of pleasure over the years, and been introduced to some spectacular women. The 2017 version of the contest was no different in some ways, but quite different in others and we'll get into how later in the week. But for today, and at the risk of going too sexy too soon, let's find out how one of your highest 2017 Hot and Hard 100 new entries got on.

Runner-up, Physique Class C

This time last year, Kathy was finishing 4th and lighting up the fan forums. She's got a few posts on her Instagram, we noted at the time. And star quality. She's got a few more posts there now, and she certainly hasn't got any less gorgeous, has she?

It took me 3 years and 3 shows and this weekend I earned my pro card by placing 2nd at the USA Championships, Kathy told those Instagram followers as she posed beaming with her trophy. She wasn't happy about being the runner-up, but, she adds, I will say that there is not even one thing that I would have done differently.

Kathy's Insta clips have been cut into a number of YouTube compilations - the longest of which you can find here. And there's also a rather odd one that dubs her "The Sandra Bullock of Bodybuilding" because of her resemblance to the Hollywood star. Don't see it myself. Yes, Sandra is quite pretty and all, I suppose, but to compare her to Kathy...

Sadly none of Kathy backstage was captured by NPC News Online this year, so instead, for today's NPC USA tube, how about checking out the woman who won the class she competed in? Christina Thome was for a few years a Bikini then a Figure competitor before packing on the Physique muscle in 2015. I reckon she wears it well.


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