
Sunday, 10 September 2017

Michaela of the Day

Michaela 2015 - the new pro.

She hasn't, as far as I know, done much quote unquote glamour work. She isn't on HerBiceps or Muscle Angels or any such site, and isn't likely to be down in the SheMuscle gym or letting it all hang out for Awefilms anytime soon either I would bet. Hence my little soft hard spot for this handful of pictures shot by Dan Ray.

There are those who still insist that the Physique division isn't worthy of the attention of the "serious" female muscle fan. Michaela (among others) kills that idea stone dead.

But it's not just the muscle I dig in this iconic image, it's also the intent. Look at that bum! So unnatural, so far from the norm - and she's so committed to that. Her lower back! It's like there's a couple of aliens in there trying to get out! And what's more, Michaela wants to share this with you, wants you to revel in her freakish development with her, and I don't know about you but I find that so so exciting. She is just insane, writes one, like-minded forum poster. Incredible conditioning. What a babe!

This powerhouse is intense.

As we saw on Monday (and all through the week in fact), Michaela doesn't leave much in the gym. 100% all the time every time. Compelling watching, and there are very few images of her not competing or lifting or practising her posing in the gym. Very few. She is all about the work, the process, the pursuit of her goals. And it shows.

Beauty and the Beast!

Left picture + Right picture = Swoon City!

Who doesn't love a trouser drop? Especially when there's so much to see when they've dropped. Or indeed a woman so unused to taking selfies that she consistently chops half of her face off, which somehow only makes Michaela even more endearing!

And finally...

Our most recent - at the time of writing - image of Michaela.

Still tanned from her last show, her arm apparently a similar thickness to a bull elephant's leg. And that smile, despite all her competitive disappointments this year, that says progress has been made, that says she is completely and utterly in love with her sport, with her muscles, and with herself. I love the hard stuff, as she puts it.


  1. How do you think she would do if she moved to bodybuilding? I would love to see her put on size and with her ability to lean up I think she would look incredible.

    1. Hi, thanks for reading.
      There are many better qualified than me to judge but I think Michaela is a long way off having that dilemma. At 5'0" she is probably better suited to Physique. Still, she is very young. Who knows what she might be able to build in the next 10 years.
