
Saturday, 2 February 2013

Heidi V of the Day

Heidi Vuorela has been on the FMS radar for a good few years now, and we have featured pics of her in various posts in the past. However, we felt it was time to devote a whole week to this tattooed, Scandinavian, curry-loving, hard-rockin’ ‘muscle freak’ because, well, because we can.

In the unlikely event that you haven’t already come across Heidi, the facts are that she’s originally from Finland but lives in Sweden. She’s a printer by trade, and has been training seriously since 2003.

We like Heidi for a lot of reasons, some of which will become clear during the week, and others we should probably keep to ourselves, but one of the most important is the fact that since 2008, Heidi has been putting it all out there on her blog.

And a fantastically entertaining blog it is. You can learn all about Heidi’s training, sure, and she loves a bit of self-photography (in fact almost all of the images we’ll post this week are Heidi’s own). All good. But Heidi’s blog is so much more than that. She puts it all up there, and she’s passionate and funny with it. It’s a great read, even if Google Translate doesn’t always make it easy!

There are recipes, recommendations for online gambling, brushes with the Swedish police, her favourite music videos, coffee addiction, how “catastrophically fucked up” her weekend has been, and much much more.

We begin Heidi week today on FMS, courtesy of her blog, with Heidi’s evolution, her muscular development from 2008 to 2013.

left: showing off her guns, 2008
right: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, 2009

left: Hot Stuff, 2010
right: ripped at the EXPO, 2011

left: drinking and driving (?!), 2012
right: pumped, 2013

More Heidi tomorrow. Don’t forget to visit her blog!

1 comment:

  1. For Heidi, I like most that she is soooo in love with her self.... she seems to enjoy each and every pic she's posting.... long life narcissm lol
