
Tuesday, 13 December 2016

2016 Review: February

Will Cyd Survive?

News that IFBB Figure stunner Cydney Gillon, a two-time Chicago Pro champ and two-time Olympia contestant (at the time that is, she had a great year in 2016, capped with 3rd place at the Olympia), is one of the castaways in the new series of the US version of Survivor kicks off a whole week dedicated to FBBTV on FMS.

I don't think she won the $1m first prize, sadly.

The Greatest Show on Earth?

Mr Daily FBB Clips, long before he managed to disgrace himself by slagging off FBBs on public forums, put on a show that at least one of those in attendance will never forget.

The show started with posing, and then lift and carry, a wrestling demo, push-ups, and more posing. The women performed for the fans for three hours, and at the end, the girls danced. It was amazing, simply the best thing we had ever seen!

Wish you'd been here?

Cathy Needs You!

For those that have been asking what I want for my birthday, here you go.
All your gift cards and best wishes have been amazing! Thank you so much! However, what I truly need most right now is a little help funding my journey to Puerto Rico for my first event in my comeback. Donations of any size will be most appreciated.

In the end, this great and great beauty of the sport never made it to Puerto Rico, but Cathy did return to the stage in 2016. At the start of June in Toronto she placed 3rd.

Whatever happened to P.E.A.R.L.?

The exciting news that a respected French production company had recruited two award-winning actors to star in a story centred on a British female bodybuilder named Lea Pearl got gradually less exciting as the year wore on and absolutely zero further news about the film emerged. Shooting was supposed to have started in September, and clearly didn't, but for a while at the end of February and into the first week of March, FMS wondered just who might be chosen to portray the "uncommon woman who’s sacrificed everything to master her body to the extreme..."

P.E.A.R.L. potential? Rosanna Harte, Linda Gartside, Louise Rogers, Lisa Cross, Jody Shuttleworth, Carly Thornton, Christal Cornick...

Tomorrow, it's March. Hot and Hard 100 voting and all...

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