
Wednesday, 14 December 2016

2016 Review: March

Hot and Hard 100 voting began for the third time, and while that was going on we "reduxed" the previous 10 months on FMS as a reminder. New stuff too though!

Debutants (And Their Backs)

In a post featuring six women making their first appearances on FMS we met Sandra Grajales Romero (above), "like Mexico's answer to Shanique Grant" with her Figure back that would do Physique proud, and Molly Brice, a 20-year-old Australian with a back that surely a 20-year-old hasn't had time to develop.

The Genius of Siberianar

I saw this on Google. I thought it was a real woman...

It's an easy mistake to make when first coming across the work of Andreas Siberis, we thought at the time, and a mistake I made myself. This digital artist is, as those more qualified to judge have pointed out, producing "the best 3D female muscle ever seen".

The FMS Arnold Classic Review

Went on a bit did this. We managed to get almost two weeks' worth of posts out of the Arnold Classic and Arnold Amateur, running from the last week of March into April.

Autumn Swansen cleaned up in the Physique International (no FBBs allowed near Arnold these days, so no Ms International to enjoy) and FMS wondered whether this was the look the IFBB were going to go for in 2016 and beyond - long, lean and ripped but not too ripped. Muscle but not too much muscle. How wrong we were! As usual.

Meanwhile, at the Arnold Amateur, Brazil's Fernanda Gutilla and Switzerland's Julia Föry won their classes and provided us with the biggest swoons.

Also making a big impression was Denmark's gorgeous Physique pro Ida Sefland, who tends to go through phases of competing a lot then taking a long break, so we got our swoon in while we could. And Diana Schnaidt, while she was still kidding herself she was a Figure competitor, was interviewed by Katie Lee for HD Physiques.

Watch to the end for the flexing!

April tomorrow - the Hot and Hard 100 is revealed (partly), among other things...

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