Answer: This...

Danielle Sidell has been getting noticed in the world of Crossfit for a little while now, but in recent months she has also been getting more and more attention in the world of female muscle lovin'. Naturally, FMS' very own Crossfit correspondent was on the case earlier than most, and he has dubbed her his 'One to Watch' in 2014.

It's not going to be too much of a chore to 'watch' Danielle, is it?

Born: 31/8/88, Norwalk (OH)
Height: 5'10" (1.78m)
Weight: 12st 5lbs (175lbs/79kg)

Danielle says: I grew up being active all my life. My parents, David and Suzie Sidell, were always pushing me to get involved with every sport my school had to offer. I played flag football with the boys, pee wee basketball and pee wee volleyball. In high school I competed on the volleyball, basketball, and track and field team. I earned All-Ohio awards for each sport. I also won 3 state titles for my high school on the track team in the mile, 800m, and the 4x400m relay.
After high school I accepted a scholarship from the University of Akron for cross country and track and field. I graduated with my Master’s degree in Exercise Physiology in 2012. During my last semester of graduate school I discovered Crossfit.

At the time I thought the 'idea' of Crossfit was silly and pointless, I was into bodybuilding and getting BIG. However, in the short time since her conversion, she says Crossfit has made her stronger, MUCH stronger, and the difference in her body - the size and definition of her muscles, especially across her back (Danielle's own favourite part of her own body) and in her quads - is pretty obvious even to me!

Why so? Well, our Crossfit correspondent can shed some light on it. Women's bodies really adapt well to the barbell lifts (power cleans, benching etc.), he says, and give them the chest, glutes and legs. But not all Crossfit women have the impressive musculature Danielle wears so proudly, so in addition to that, there must be something she's doing that others are not. And it turns out it's frightening.

I had never even heard of a snatch, jerk or squat clean until last March. So I have tons of room for improvement and I am trying to do just that every day. My form and technique is something I work on daily. I’m excited with where I am at right now and the path that I am on. I have been making gains every week. I am focusing on my weaknesses and turning them in to my strengths. I have a swimming coach who works with my every Thursday. I have a gymnastics coach who works with me every Saturday and/or Sunday to help with handstand walks, body positioning, and feeling comfortable moving my body in ways that I am unfamiliar with. My primary coach is with me every day and pushes me through all my workouts. I have no free time.

My goal, she says, is to stay anabolic throughout the entire day to allow my body to fully recover for tomorrow’s workout. I use certain foods at a certain time of the day to maximize hormone balance and recovery. I’m sitting around 3,500 calories per day. All my meals are timed up specifically and geared towards my workout regimen. I time up my fats, carbs, protein source all based on what time of day I will be working out.

Hardcore or what?! Oh, wait, there's more. Dani says, NEVER carry a water bottle during your workouts. It is an excuse to stop and take a break. You should be hydrated enough to get through a workout without having to stop and take a drink.

Wow! I think I can see now how Danielle is making these gains, and I bet you can too. Definitely 'one to watch'. And you can do it via her Twitter, or the Crossfit Games site. And if you want to read the full interviews that today's quotations were culled from, visit The Athletic Build and The Natural Grip.
Dedicated to Aiden with thanks
Thanks Slave for the excellent post!! If she is in my gym I bet she will ruin my entire workout schedule for the day..