Seeing all these muscular beauties on the beach this week has given me an idea...

We've just bought one of those huge maps of the world for the office wall, and we've already started sticking pins in it that mark the beaches of the world where readers have spotted muscle beauties.
From Australia to the Americas via Asia, from the Med to the Caribbean, the hope is that pretty soon we'll have the definitive map of the Female Muscle Beach World...

And what are we going to do with this information?
We're going into the travel business of course!

Female Muscle Slave Tours will be trading by the end of the year. Bespoke beach holidays for the discerning female muscle head, we can't guarantee that you'll plonk your towel next to Alina Popa or Kashma Maharaj, but with our unique system that charts not only where but also when muscle beauties have been spotted, we can certainly maximise your chances.

Call today for a free brochure.

The guy on the left in the red shorts? Our first satisfied customer.
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