Friday 24 May 2013

Ts of the Day


Even more love in the room than normal with this final selection of the week...

She loves...

Protein! And judging by those legs, she's been getting through a lot of it.
Herself! Just in case the fact that she's one of the most prolific uploaders of her own snaps had left you wondering, Frida Palmell makes it absolutely clear.

Sensational Sophie Arvebrink might know what she loves, but she doesn't know whether to flex her bicep or her chest. And I don't know whether to dig out my old skateboard from the deep dark depths of the back of the shed or admit I'm never going to be described as a 'boy' again, and dig out my 'Sophie Favourites' folder instead. Either course might result in serious injury.

FMS loves...

Top T Runner-up
So much to love about this, not least the spectacular shoulders on this lady. But this makes our top two on attitude rather than appearance. I don't think I've ever seen a woman making it clearer that she doesn't want to be disturbed while she's working on her fantastic physique. Not only is there the explicit threat of a butt-kicking for would-be botherers, there's also the fact she's kind of hiding under the cap as well, which just makes her all the more mysterious and consequently all the more attractive.

Top T Winner
Love this! And if a pretty muscle babe like this is going to wear 'Squats will make you a goddamn sexual Tyrannosaurus' on her T-shirt, you have to suspect that she's up for proving it's true. I just can't help imagining her wearing this T-shirt, flexing her bicep and grinning from ear to ear having just pushed me down onto the bed... Gulp.
It's going to be a LONG (but beautiful) night...

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